Тема: Пори року та погода
Мета: повторити та узагальнити лексичний і граматичний матеріал,закріпити знання,уміння та навички,сформовані на уроках;навчити використовувати свої знання;удосконалити навички читання,говоріння,письма; розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам’ять,увагу,чуття мови;виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.
Тип уроку: урок систематизації та узагальнення знань
Методи й прийоми:бесіда,наочність,вправи,розповідь,гра,робота в групах та командах
Обладнання уроку: весела музика для гарного настрою під час роботи,малюнки із зображення пір року,різної погоди,картки із завданнями,слайди із зображенням різної погоди.
Хід уроку
Greeting 1. Привітання
Т.Good morning, boys and girls!
T. I’m glad to see you!
T. Let’s begin our lesson.
Say me please, how are you?
ІІ. Актуалізація опорних знань учнів
1. Введення в іншомовну сферу.
Мовленнєва зарядка
We are going to prepare for speaking English.(зараз ми приготуємося до спілкування англійською) Then you’ll tell me what we are going to talk about (Потім спробуйте сказати, про що ми сьогодні будемо говорити)
Look at the blackboard. Listen and read the poem:
When the weather is wet
We must not fret
When the weather is warm
We must not storm
Коли волога погода
Ми не повинні турбуватися
Коли погода тепла
Ми не повинні штурмувати
To our work at the lesson was interesting and productive, we will work in groups.
In order to join in the group, first of all look on the screen you can watch the video and listen the song . Then I'll give you these emblems ( yellow leaf, strawberry, flower, snowflake). Everyone who got the same emblems, unite in groups.
We got 4 groups
( Щоб наша з вами робота на уроці була цікавішою та продуктивнішою, ми будемо працювати групами.
Для того, щоб об’єднатися у групи, перш за все погляньте на екран, ви подивіться відео та послухайте пісеньку. Після цього. я роздам вам ось ці емблеми ( жовтий листочок, полуничка, квітка, сніжинка). Всі , хто отримав однакові емблеми, об’єднайтеся у групи. У нас вийшло 4 групи)
Об'єднання в групи під вірш «Seasons» (аудіозапис)
Spring is green,
Winter is white,
Autumn is yellow.
Summer is bright,
And the group "Winter" ( snowflake);
Group II "Spring" ( flower);
Group III "Summer" ( strawberry);
Group IV Autumn (yellow leaves).
T. Now we will remember the words that we studied and which we need to work on the lesson. Зараз ми з вами пригадаємо слова, які ми вивчили і які знадобляться нам для роботи на уроці.
November, May, summer, rainy, autumn, April, June, October, February, July, winter, March, August, December, spring, January, September, stormy, warm, cloudy, sunny, frosty, cold, cool, nice…
Playtime .
Організація гри « Sorting»
Учитель поділяє клас на 4 команди. Команди отримують картки зі словами та розташовують їх відповідно до своєї пори року.
T. Let’s play game “Sorting”. We have got 4 teams: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Sort words according to the seasons.
HO 2:
Sunny |
Cold |
Clear |
Yellow leaves |
Windy |
Wet |
Dry |
A lot of flowers |
Rainy |
Warm |
Play snowballs |
The longest days |
Cloudy |
Frosty |
Swimming |
Snowy |
hot |
Green grass |
Snowflakes |
Cool |
Мозковий штурм
Команди по черзі відповідають на запитання. За кожну правильну відповідь вони отримують 1 бал.
1.Назви наступне слово:
Spring, summer, autumn, w…
Grandmother, grandfather, mother, f…
Baseball, football, b…
September, October, November, D…
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, S…
2.Назви пору року
1.April, March, May
2.December, January, February
3.September, October, November
4.June, July, August.
(spring, cold, winter, hot, warm, autumn, slippery, summer, sky, sunny)
13,25 6,1,22,15,21,18,9,20,5 19,5,1,19,15,14 9,19 19,21,13,13,5,18
My favourite season is summer.
13,25 6,1,22,15,21,18,9,20,5 19,5,1,19,15,14 9,19 1,21,20,21,13,14
My favourite season is autumn.
13,25 6,1,22,15,21,18,9,20,5 19,5,1,19,15,14 9,19 19,16,18,9,14,7
My favourite season is spring.
13,25 6,1,22,15,21,18,9,20,5 19,5,1,19,15,14 9,19 23,9,14,20,5,18
My favourite season is winter.
1.A |
8.H |
15.O |
22.V |
2. B |
9. I |
16. P |
23. W |
3. C |
10. J |
17. Q |
24. X |
4. D |
11. K |
18. R |
25. Y |
5. E |
12. L |
19. S |
26. Z |
6. F |
13. M |
20. T |
7. G |
14. N |
21. U |
Учитель роздає картки з реченнями на тему “Пори року”. Учні повинні вибрати слово, що відповідає змісту речення.
Task 1. Вибери й обведи слово, яке відповідає змісту речення.
1. June/July has 31 days.
2. February is a winter/autumn month.
3. Children can ski and skate on summer/winter holidays.
4. The days/nights are short in winter.
5. April/May is the second spring month.
6. There are four months/seasons in a year.
7. January/December is the first month of the year.
8. January/February has 28 or 29 days.
9. Spring comes after winter/summer.
10. It often snows in spring/winter.
Task 2. Put in order the cards with the names of the months.
2 завдання: розставити у правильному порядку картки з назвами місяців.
Підведення підсумків, оцінювання роботи учнів.
T.: Your answers were excellent. I`m pleased with your work. That is all for today. Our lesson is over. Good bye, see you soon.
Addition 1/1
Spring is a beautiful season. Days become longer. The sky is blue and cloudless. The birds sing in the trees. The trees and grass are green.
The weather is nice in spring. In March the snow melts. Sometimes it rains in April and May. There are a lot of flowers in the fields.
Children like spring. They can play out-of-doors after the lessons. We have a lot of holidays in spring too. They are: the 8th of March, Mother’s Day, Easter, Victory Day.
Addition 1/2
Summer is the warmest season. Sometimes it is very hot. The sky is blue. The sun shines brightly. The rains are warm in summer.
In summer the days are long and the nights are short. The nature is very nice. There are a lot of flowers and berries in summer.
Children like summer because they have holidays and they don’t go to school. They go to the camps, villages, and mountains. They also swim in the river, lie in the sun.
Addition 1/3
Autumn comes after summer. Early autumn is very warm. It is beautiful. The leaves on the trees are yellow, red and golden.
In October and November it is cool. The sky is grey. It often rains. The wind is cold. There are puddles and it is dirty in the streets.
In autumn children go to school. They have less free time.
Addition 1/4
When winter comes, the sky is dark and it is cold. It is very windy. It snows hard in winter. Lakes and rivers are frozen. The trees don’t have leaves.
The days are short and the nights are long. Sometimes the days are bright. You can see the sun but still it is very cold.
People wear warm clothes. Children like winter very much. They can play snowballs, make snowman, sledge, and ski, skate and play hockey. They spend a lot of time out-of-doors.
Sunny |
Cold |
Clear |
Yellow leaves |
Windy |
Wet |
Dry |
A lot of flowers |
Rainy |
Warm |
Play snowballs |
The longest days |
Cloudy |
Frosty |
Swimming |
Snowy |
hot |
Green grass |
Snowflakes |
Cool |
Sunny |
Cold |
Clear |
Yellow leaves |
Windy |
Wet |
Dry |
A lot of flowers |
Rainy |
Warm |
Play snowballs |
The longest days |
Cloudy |
Frosty |
Swimming |
Snowy |
hot |
Green grass |
Snowflakes |
Cool |
Sunny |
Cold |
Clear |
Yellow leaves |
Windy |
Wet |
Dry |
A lot of flowers |
Rainy |
Warm |
Play snowballs |
The longest days |
Cloudy |
Frosty |
Swimming |
Snowy |
hot |
Green grass |
Snowflakes |
Cool |
Sunny |
Cold |
Clear |
Yellow leaves |
Windy |
Wet |
Dry |
A lot of flowers |
Rainy |
Warm |
Play snowballs |
The longest days |
Cloudy |
Frosty |
Swimming |
Snowy |
hot |
Green grass |
Snowflakes |
Cool |
13,25 6,1,22,15,21,18,9,20,5 19,5,1,19,15,14 9,19 19,21,13,13,5,18
1.A |
8.H |
15.O |
22.V |
2. B |
9. I |
16. P |
23. W |
3. C |
10. J |
17. Q |
24. X |
4. D |
11. K |
18. R |
25. Y |
5. E |
12. L |
19. S |
26. Z |
6. F |
13. M |
20. T |
7. G |
14. N |
21. U |
Task 1. Вибери й обведи слово, яке відповідає змісту речення.
1. June/July has 31 days.
2. February is a winter/autumn month.
3. Children can ski and skate on summer/winter holidays.
4. The days/nights are short in winter.
5. April/May is the second spring month.
6. There are four months/seasons in a year.
7. January/December is the first month of the year.
8. January/February has 28 or 29 days.
9. Spring comes after winter/summer.
10. It often snows in spring/winter.
13,25 6,1,22,15,21,18,9,20,5 19,5,1,19,15,14 9,19 1,21,20,21,13,14
1.A |
8.H |
15.O |
22.V |
2. B |
9. I |
16. P |
23. W |
3. C |
10. J |
17. Q |
24. X |
4. D |
11. K |
18. R |
25. Y |
5. E |
12. L |
19. S |
26. Z |
6. F |
13. M |
20. T |
7. G |
14. N |
21. U |
Task 1. Вибери й обведи слово, яке відповідає змісту речення.
1. June/July has 31 days.
2. February is a winter/autumn month.
3. Children can ski and skate on summer/winter holidays.
4. The days/nights are short in winter.
5. April/May is the second spring month.
6. There are four months/seasons in a year.
7. January/December is the first month of the year.
8. January/February has 28 or 29 days.
9. Spring comes after winter/summer.
10. It often snows in spring/winter.
13,25 6,1,22,15,21,18,9,20,5 19,5,1,19,15,14 9,19 19,16,18,9,14,7
1.A |
8.H |
15.O |
22.V |
2. B |
9. I |
16. P |
23. W |
3. C |
10. J |
17. Q |
24. X |
4. D |
11. K |
18. R |
25. Y |
5. E |
12. L |
19. S |
26. Z |
6. F |
13. M |
20. T |
7. G |
14. N |
21. U |
Task 1. Вибери й обведи слово, яке відповідає змісту речення.
1. June/July has 31 days.
2. February is a winter/autumn month.
3. Children can ski and skate on summer/winter holidays.
4. The days/nights are short in winter.
5. April/May is the second spring month.
6. There are four months/seasons in a year.
7. January/December is the first month of the year.
8. January/February has 28 or 29 days.
9. Spring comes after winter/summer.
10. It often snows in spring/winter.
13,25 6,1,22,15,21,18,9,20,5 19,5,1,19,15,14 9,19 23,9,14,20,5,18
1.A |
8.H |
15.O |
22.V |
2. B |
9. I |
16. P |
23. W |
3. C |
10. J |
17. Q |
24. X |
4. D |
11. K |
18. R |
25. Y |
5. E |
12. L |
19. S |
26. Z |
6. F |
13. M |
20. T |
7. G |
14. N |
21. U |
Task 1. Вибери й обведи слово, яке відповідає змісту речення.
1. June/July has 31 days.
2. February is a winter/autumn month.
3. Children can ski and skate on summer/winter holidays.
4. The days/nights are short in winter.
5. April/May is the second spring month.
6. There are four months/seasons in a year.
7. January/December is the first month of the year.
8. January/February has 28 or 29 days.
9. Spring comes after winter/summer.
10. It often snows in spring/winter.