Урок на тему "Спорт" у 7 класі

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Урок з використанням граматичного матеріалу для повторення правил вживання інфінітиву та герундія, а також закріплення лексичних навичок за темою "Спорт"

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The subject : Unit 4. Sport and Health

The object : to learn new lexical material, to improve the usage of the modal verbs ‘must’, ‘must’nt’, ‘should’, ‘shouldn’t ; to practice the (to) infinitive/ -ing form ; to encourage pupils to communicate in English.

The materials : CB ‘On Screen 2’ ( Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley , 2015, Express Publishing) , flashcards  ‘Sport’, audiofiles.

The Procedure

I. Preliminaries of the lesson

1. Greetings

2. Communicational warm-up

- In three minutes, write two things you:

  • Have to do to stay healthy;
  • Mustn’t do when you exercise;
  • Should do to keep fit;
  • Can do at the sports centre.

Suggested Answer key

  • You have to keep a balanced diet and take regular exercise to stay healthy.
  • You mustn’t eat while you exercise and you mustn’t overdo it while you exercise.
  • To keep fit you should exercise regularly and stay active.
  • At the sports centre you can play a sports or take an exercise class.

3. Hometask checking

-Words revision

- You had to complete the sentences in ex.8, p.69

Answer key

  1. Daniel would like to watch the match on TV tonight.
  2. You must train hard for it.
  3. I’ll go running tomorrow if the weather is good.
  4. He lifts weights to become stronger.
  5. We could join a yoga class.

-Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words below in ex.9, p.69.

Answer key:

  1. Jenna loves riding her bicycle.
  2. He went to the shop to buy some fruits.
  3. We can’t make a cake – we don’t have enough milk.
  4. I don’t like eating junk food.
  5. She wants to have tennis lessons.
  6. You should walk to school instead of catching the bus.

II. The Main part of the lesson

  1. New words presentation

Run a commercial

[ kəˈmɜːrʃl ]

Запускати рекламу

Commercial break

[kəˈmɜːrʃl  ‘breɪk]

Рекламна пауза

Chicken wings

[ˈtʃɪkɪn ‘wɪŋ ]

Курячі крильця





[  dɪˈlɪvə ]



[vjuːə ]





-Write down the words into your vocabularies. Today we are going to talk about the Super Sunday American Competitions  and read the text about it. You’ll get to know why this holiday is so important for them.

  1. Listening (ex. 1 , p.70)
  • Look at the pictures on p. 70 and listen to the music. What is happening?

Suggested Answer key:

-I think people are watching an American football game in a stadium. Perhaps it’s the Super Bowl.

-Check the words in bold in the Word List. Which of the sentences (1-5) are true about the Super Bowl? Listen to find out.

Answer key for true sentences:

  1. It is between the winners of the two leagues.
  2. There are over 10 million viewers watching it on TV.
  3. A commercial during the breaks can cost millions of dollars.
  1. Reading (CB ex.3 p.71)
  • Read the text and match the headings (A-D) to the paragraphs (1-3) . One heading is extra.
  • Justify your answers with the examples from the text.
  • Answer key:
  1. ‘The sports event of the year’ (B) : there can be over 111 million viewers
  2. ‘Food and entertainment’ (D) : Pizza places deliever…, 13 million kilos of crisps, 1 billion chicken wings )
  3. Expensive ads (A)  : commercial breaks…are very expensive.
  1. Speaking

-Look at the pictures and answer the questions

Картинки по запросу super sunday america Похожее изображениеКартинки по запросу super sunday america Картинки по запросу super sunday america

-How important is the Super Bowl to Americans? (It’s really important. It’s a social day when families and friends get together to watch the match even if they aren’t usually fans.)

-Why do companies spend millions on one commercial during the game? (Companies spend millions on commercials because they know there are over 111 million viewers watching.)

-Why do you think doctors call it ‘Super Bowl Syndrome’? (I think it’s because a lot of people go to the emergency room with illnesses / injuries they got on Super Sunday.)

5. Grammar revision

-Let’s revise the usage of to-infnitive and gerund form.
Картинки по запросу шташтшешму мі штп 

-Please copy the examples into your Grammar copybooks briefly.

-Now open your CB ex.6, p.69. Read the table and find examples in the joke.

Answer key:

  • Mind + -ing form
  • Want + to-infinitive
  • Can’t + bare infinitive

-Put the verbs from ex.10, p.69 into the correct infinitive or –ing form.

Answer key:

  1. – Do you want to come to the gym with me?
  2. – I can’t. I’m going into town to meet James for lunch.
  3. I really enjoy cooking.
  4. I can’t even boil an egg!
  5. We might play basketball after school today.
  6. I like basketball. Can I join you?
  7. I’d like to play football with you.
  8. We could go jogging together this afternoon.
  9. I don’t mind picking you up from the sports centre.
  10.                     I like running back through the park.

III . The final part of the lesson


  1. Watching the video  ‘Super Bowl’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR9HYwz4N6M )
  2. Summary of the lesson


  • What is the Super Bowl and why is it so important for Americans? ( It’s a social day when families and friends get together to watch the match even if they aren’t usually fans.)
  • When do we use infinitive form ? (We use it after the verbs (don’t ) like, love, hate, enjoy, (don’t) mind, go.
  • Give the examples . (I like playing tennis. Let’s go skating!)
  • When do we use to-infinitive ? (We use it to express purpose and after the verbs want, would love, would like)
  • Give the examples of sentences. (He goes swimming to get fit. I want to play tennis.)
  • When do we use bare infinitive ? Explain with your own examples. (We use bare infinitive after modal verbs, for example : We might go to the match later).
  1. Hometask
  • Think of a similar TV sports event in your country. Collect information, then compare and contrast it with the Super Bowl. Talk about : place/date-events/ competitions –food-commercials-shows.



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