Урок "Taras Shevchenko"(тема "Books and Writers")

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Урок розроблено відповідно до загальної теми "Books and Writers". Мета уроку - вдосконалити навички монологічного мовлення та роботи з текстом. Під час уроку учні не тільки практикують мовлення, але й знайомляться з життям та творчістю великого Кобзаря.

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Form 8

Topical area “Books and Writers”

Textbook Alla Nesvit, We Learn English, form 8, p.p.74-75


The subject of the lesson “Famous Poets. Taras Shevchenko”


The objectives of the lesson:

  1. Practical: to practise the vocabulary related to the topic, to teach pupils new lexical units, to improve pupils’ skills in speaking and reading, to activate pupils’ grammar skills.
  2. Educational: to broaden pupils’ knowledge about famous Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko.
  3. Developing: to involve pupils to work in pairs and take part in role playing, to develop ties among subjects.
  4. Upbringing: to bring up pupils to be proud of real famous patriot Taras Shevchenko.


By the end of the lesson pupils will be able:

  • to use lexical and grammar structure speaking on the topic of the lesson;
  • to describe Taras Shevchenko’s life and activity;
  • to analyze, generalize the main idea of the material.


Equipment: textbook, collection of poems by Taras Shevchenko, portrait of Taras Shevchenko, cards with grammar task and cards with proverbs.


The Procedure of the Lesson

  1. Starting point.

Greeting and aim.

  1. Warming up. Role playing.

Imagine that you are a librarian of our school library. You describe it to junior pupils to make them sign up for a school library. They have to ask you some questions.

  1. Main part.
  1. Pair work. Pupils get the cards with proverbs. Their task is to match the beginning of the proverb with its ending.

Choose an author               is a body without soul.

Don’t judge a book             as a good book.

A room without books        like a book.

There is no friend so faithful  as you choose a friend.

Like author                          by its cover.

After having done the task pupil have to explain the meaning of the proverb. Pupils are involved to pay attention to the proverb “Choose an author as you choose a friend”, because it’s very important what kind of literature they are fond of. We know that books educate us, bring pleasure and delight. Books that teach us to be truthful, friendly, honest, careful, fair and serious are the books by Taras Shevchenro.

  1. Reading the text “Taras Shevchenko” (p.74)

Pre-reading activities:

What do you know about Taras Shevchenko from your Ukrainian literature lessons?

Do you agree that he is one among the ten best Ukrainians according to people’s survey?

While reading the text the pupils put down the new lexical units trying to guess their meaning or asking the teacher’s help.

Past-reading activities:

Pair work: take turns to ask and answer the questions:

When and where was Taras Shevchenko born?

Was he orphaned in his early teens?

Why did he grow up in poverty and misery?

What happened to Taras when he was 14 years old?

What did P.Engelhart notice?

How did T.Shevchenko become free?

What book did he publish in 1840?

What is Shevchenko’s role in the history of the Ukrainian literature?

Oral test: What do the numerals in the text mean?

1814 (the year of Shevchenko’s birth); 9 (Taras lost his mother); 11 (Taras’ father died); 14 (at this age Taras became the servant); 2500 (the price for Taras’ freedom); 1838 (the beginning of Shevchenko’s literary activity); 1840 ( publication of his first collection of poem “Kobzar”); 1861 (the year of Shevchenko’s death).

  1. Pair work. Using the cards with the Direct Speech sentences pupils have to report orders and instructions.
  2. Summing up.
  3. Homework : say what facts in Taras Shevchenko’s biography impressed you most and why.
  4. Evaluation: pupils get marks for role playing and activities during the whole lesson.

Anticipated difficulties:

  1. Misunderstanding the text because of new lexical units.
  2. In using grammar (Reported Speech).
26 липня 2018
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