Цей конспект розроблений для учнів 7 класу гімназії з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови в рамках участі у конкурсі "Учитель року". Тож учитель знайомився з учнями під час уроку. Неочікуваним моментом для учнів став початок уроку, який розпочав не "новий" учитель, а носій мови на екрані, який сказав, що саме він буде вчителем ( то був жарт, але далі він справді декілька раз з'являвся на екрані для "співпраці" на уроці)
Клас: 7
Тема уроку: «Таланти та здібності»
Мета уроку:
ЛО для повторення: to compose, a skill, a celebrity, to participate, artistic, to break a record, etc.
Oбладнання: класна дошка, магнітофон, ноутбук, робочі зошити, роздатковий матеріал (пазл, картки/ таблиці з завданнями, текст), мультимедійний пристрій.
Тип уроку: комбінований
Хід уроку
І. Організація класу.
ІІ. Актуалізація знань (з одночасним повторенням лексики).
Опитування класу:
ІІІ. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.
Brainstorm “A hidden word”
Оголошення теми уроку.
So, look at the blackboard please. There is a hidden word there. It is closely connected with our topic. Let’s answer my questions to figure out what the secret word is.
Знайомство з учнями.
So, now I would like to get to know you better. That’s why I need to get information about your skills and to learn more about you and how talented you are. Please tell me about yourselves but using only 3 words:1) your name; 2) your skill or talent and 3) an adjective which would describe you better. For example, let me introduce myself: N.V., cooking, communicative. (Introducing with the students)
IV. Узагальнення вивчених знань:
Now look at the blackboard again. You have learnt and read a lot about talented people, who were absolutely ordinary in their childhood. So, your task is to match the names of the famous people and their past abilities. But first of all we should refresh the using of the modal verb “can” which has past form “could”. Please open your work papers and do this exercise. Let’s start.
Pablo Picasso couldn’t spell well.
Lady Gaga could become an Olympic Champion in boxing
Volodymyr Klychko could paint when he was 9.
Agatha Christie could play the piano by ear.
Garry Kasparov could win the World Chess Championship at the age of 22
V. Практика мовленнєвої діяльності (робота в парах та групах):
Well done guys! When we are speaking about out skills, we should use lots of phrasal verbs like “to be good at” and others. Let’s have some more practice with this phrase. For example, I am good at playing the piano and singing, I am also good at shooting and cooking). Let’s ask our special guest today – Derek, what he is good at. (Video #2)
So, guy, tell me please, what are you good at? ( students’ answers).
And now I would like you to open our work papers again and write 3 sentences about the things you are good at. (WORK PAPERS)
Good job. It is time to work in small groups. Each group is going to have different task.
Group #1 is going to work over the situation and make up dialogues.
Group # 2 will watch 5 episodes from films or cartoons and the task is to name the video and the skill it tells about.
So and the pupils from group # 3 are going to work with a puzzle. Please answer the questions first and then you will see something very famous. You will tell us as much as possible about what you see. Let’s do it!
VI. Фізична розминка.
I think it is the time to have some fun and do some physical exercises. Please stand up.
VII. Узагальнення та перевірка знань, умінь та навичок учнів.
Let’s come closer to the reading point. Our task is to read the text “ The Brainiest” and to talk about very smart teenagers. (Reading and doing the exercise) Open your work papers and complete the sentences please.
And now I would like you to develop your listening skills. You are going to listen to a biography of a very talented and famous actor Leonardo Di CARPIO. And your task is to put the sentences in your work papers in correct order. Listen to Derek again (Video# 3).
So now we know that we need a plan to write a biography. You can see it on the screen. Please look at it and write a biography about your favourite actor/painter, etc. at home. This will be your home task for the next lesson.
VIII. Підведення підсумків та оцінювання учнів.
So, our lesson is running to its end. I would like you to look at your work papers for the last time. There you will see a Reflexion table. Please evaluate each stage of the lesson for you to refresh what we were doing at the lesson and for me to consider next time while making up a lesson. Thanks for the lesson and for the cooperation. (Рефлексія)