Тема : Your School Days
Мета : навчання мовленню на основі джазового ритму.
Хід уроку.
*makes us polite * teaches us moral values
* teaches us about our country *teaches us to be well - bred
*gives us knowledge * trains us for a future job
4. Read the chant.
Dan wastes time at the lessons
Dan wastes time after school
Dan wastes time in the evening
What a lazybones he is.
I work hard on Writing
I work hard on Reading
I work hard on English
What a hard – worker I am.
5. Vocabulary work. a) Find the opposites :
- to come in time - a hard - worker
- to work hard - messy
- a lazybones - to waste time
-well – planned - to be late
b) Read and translate sentences about your school days.
- My school day is well – planned.
- I work hard on Maths.
- I try not to be late for school.
- I think I am a hard – worker because I study well.
c) Make up your own sentences.
6. T. : To study well is not enough to be a good pupil. Let’s role – play a school rule chant.
- Stop it! – Stop what?
- Stop running in the classroom.
You are not allowed.
You are not allowed.
Stop it – Stop What?
Stop running
Stop fighting
Stop crying
Stop shouting
You are not allowed.
7. Group work. Look at the pictures and say what you are allowed and what not.
I – We are allowed….
II – We are not allowed…
8. Writing. Make up sentences:
I’ ll try to ( not to)….
9. Summing – up.