Урок "Види туризму. Головні туристичні напрямки та пам’ятки світу."

Про матеріал
План уроку "Види туризму". Урок містить традиційні та інтерактивні методи навчання, серед останніх - мозковий штурм. Використані такі аспкти як говоріння, читання, письмо.
Перегляд файлу

Form: 10-B,C Date: 19.02.2021

Subject: Travelling

Aims: to develop students` skills in grammar, listening, speaking

Equipment: Headway Pre-intermediate 5th edition, Audiscript, whiteboard, markers


I. Greeting. A report.

II. Warming-up. Answer the questions:

1. Warm-up

  1. Which country of the world would you cross?
  2. Give some examples of professions people do that are deadly.
  3. What profession do you think is the most dangerous?
  4. What dangerous proffesion do you think is the highest paid?

II. Brainstorming

  1. To start the lesson it is necessary to encode the key word ‘TRAVELLING”. To do this you
         should name as many nouns  for each letter as you can, which related to travelling.

       (Students name nouns)

  1. Ask students to work in pairs to write as many countries as possible in 1 minute. Ask the group with the longest list to write their countries on the board. Now invite other students to add any other countries to the list.
  2. Copy the spidergram in your notebooks. Add as many jobs as possible.

III.  Reading

Read the text  Photography is the key to the whole world and do the tasks.

IV. Grammar snack modal verb have to

Ex.2 p. 81 (St.b.)

V. Reflection H/w