Дисципліна: Іноземна (англійська) мова
за професійним спрямуванням
Тема заняття: |
Мета заняття:
Практична: розвивати навички аудіювання, читання та говоріння; ввести, активізувати та систематизувати вживання лексичних одиниць з теми; закріпити графічний образ вивчених слів; навчити студентів сприймати інформацію на слух; активізувати навички читання; формувати навички усного монологічного мовлення, навчити студентів аналізувати дану інформацію.
Розвиваюча: розвивати мовленнєві здібності студентів через мовну здогадку, стимулювати до використання інтернет ресурсу з метою пошуку необхідної інформації по темі, розвивати готовність до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати творчі здібності та пізнавальний інтерес, розвивати навички аудіювання, монологічного мовлення, розвивати інтелект студентів, їх логічне мислення, кмітливість, мовленнєву реакцію і мовну здогадку, слухову та зорову пам'ять, здатність застосовувати знання та вміння у новій ситуації, вміння спонтанно і логічно висловлювати свою думку.
Освітня: поглибити знання студентів про життя та творчість композитора, збагатити їх словниковий запас, закріпити знання граматичних явищ, навчити робити порівняльний аналіз, висновки та узагальнення.
Виховна: виховувати повагу до співрозмовників під час роботи в групах, прагнення вдосконалювати себе, виховувати культуру спілкування, доброзичливість, уважне ставлення до думки співрозмовника, посилювати інтерес до навчання.
Тип заняття: комбінований з використанням інтерактивних методів навчання.
Обладнання: ноутбук, мультимедійна дошка, аудіоматеріали, дидактичний матеріал(тематичні малюнки, інтелект-карти, картки з завданнями для індивідуальної та групової роботи), презентація Power Point.
1. Початок заняття. Організація групи.
Привітання (створення іншомовної позитивної атмосфери) Бесіда зі студентами.
Повідомлення теми та мети заняття. Актуалізація опорних знань.
2. Мовленнєва зарядка.
Роз’яснення цитат.
3. Введення та активізація нового лексичного матеріалу. Аудіювання. Хорове повторення.
Переклад нових ЛО безпосередньо через дефініцію.
Відтворення нових ЛО у мовленнєвих ситуаціях.
Заповнення інформаційних прогалин.
Виконання усних та письмових вправ на перевірку розуміння прослуханого тексту.
Складання власних висловлювань з опорою на функціональну схему.
4. Тренування навичок читання та вибіркового перекладу.
Мовна здогадка.
Тлумачення слів.
Складання власних письмових висловлювань згідно поданого плану.
Заповнення інформаційних прогалин.
5. Розвиток навичок усного монологічного мовлення.
Пошук інформації в інтернеті.
Продукування усного монологічного висловлювання.
6. Підсумки заняття. Самооцінювання та оцінювання (виставлення та аргументація оцінок).
7. Пояснення домашнього завдання.
8. Прощання зі студентами.
І.Організаційний Мета: Організувати студентів до заняття та створити позитивну атмосферу у групі. Прийом: Привітання, вступне слово викладача, бесіда зі студентами. |
- Good afternoon! How are you doing today? I’m happy to see all of you here in class. - How did you spend your weekend? Any positive impressions to share? - What do you prefer to do on your weekends? How much time does it take you to prepare your home assignments, to practice the instrument? Do you have any spare time to do anything else? How do you spend your leisure time? Do you like to enrich your knowledge? What useful information did you get this time?
II. Введення студентів в іншомовне середовище. Мовленнєва зарядка. Активізація лексичних навичок. Мета: повідомити тему, мету і завдання заняття, тренувати мовленнєві навички, активізувати лексичні навички. Прийом: бесіда зі студентами, індивідуальне читання та обговорення цитат. |
Today we’ll speak about one of the greatest composers of all times. Any ideas? Right, and our today’s lesson theme is “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – a Musical Genius”. We’re going to do a lot of things: we’ll learn new words, use them in different situations, practice listening and reading, learn some facts about life and works of a musical genius. - What are the characteristics of genius? - Why do many think that Mozart was one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived? - Does his music warrant this description? And now, let’s have a look at the screen. There you can see some quotations of famous people about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- Do you agree with these quotations? How can you explain them?
III. Введення та активізація нового лексичного матеріалу. Виконання вправ на активізацію мовленнєвих зразків. Аудіювання. Створення установки на сприймання і розуміння тексту.
Мета: ввести та активізувати нові ЛО, зняти лексичні труднощі, навчити аудитивної компетенції з повним розумінням тексту.
1. Pre-Listening Exercises − Do you like Mozart's music? − Do you play any his pieces? Did you perform them on stage? − What does it mean for you to play music for other people? − What instruments did Mozart write for?
2. Listening Exercises
2.1 Listen to the audio, and do some exercises.
New Mozart Piano Music Found Tapescript A researcher in Austria has found two new piano pieces by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Classical music expert Ulrich Leisinger said the works were "almost certainly" composed by Mozart. The music was found in the back of a piano practice book made by Mozart’s father. Leisinger believes Mozart created the music when he was just eight years old. This was when Mozart wasn’t old enough to write music, so his father wrote down the notes in the book. Mozart started composing music from the age of five. He wrote over 600 pieces of music in his life.
Прийом: хорове повторення ЛО, мовна здогадка, відтворення інформації через малюнки, заповнення інфо прогалин, слухання тексту, виконання усних та письмових вправ на перевірку розуміння прослуханого тексту, складання власних висловлювань з опорою на функціональну схему. |
I think the piano is the best musical instrument in the world. It has lots of black and white keys. These look really beautiful. They also sound great too. People who can play the piano have a special talent. Concert pianists are very lucky. They make people happy with the lovely music they create. Composers are also very talented. It must be great to write music that people love. Mozart was an amazing talent. All of his music is extra special. He was a musical genius, even at the age of five. We are so lucky that he lived and loved music.
2.2. Vocabulary Activities
Match the following phrases from the article. |
Paragraph 1 |
1. piano 2 Classical 3. almost certainly 4. old enough to 5. Mozart started 6. He wrote over |
a. 600 pieces of music b. composing music c. pieces d. composed by Mozart e. music f. write music |
Paragraph 2 |
1. musical 2 black and white 3. Concert 4. They make people 5. his music is extra 6. He was a musical |
a. happy b. special c. keys d. instrument e. genius f. pianists |
A researcher in Austria 1)_____________ new piano pieces by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Classical music expert Ulrich Leisinger said the works 2)____________ composed by Mozart. The music was found 3)_____________ piano practice book made by Mozart’s father. Leisinger believes Mozart created the music 4)___________ eight years old. This was when Mozart wasn’t old enough to write music, so his father wrote 5)___________ the book. Mozart started composing music from the age of five. He wrote over 600 pieces 6)_____________. I think the piano is the best 7)____________ in the world. It has lots of black and white keys. These look really beautiful. They 8)___________ too. People who can play the piano have a special talent. Concert pianists are very lucky. They make 9)___________ lovely music they create. Composers are also very talented. It must 10)_____________ music that people love. Mozart was an amazing talent. All of his music is extra special. He 11)_____________, even at the age of five. We are so lucky that 12)____________ music.
Put the correct words from the table into the article.
A researcher in Austria has (1) ____ two new piano pieces by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Classical music expert Ulrich Leisinger said the (2) ____ were "almost certainly" composed by Mozart. The music was found in the back of a piano practice book made (3) ____ Mozart’s father. Leisinger believes Mozart created the music when he was just eight years old. This was when Mozart wasn’t old (4) ____ to write music, so his father wrote down the notes in the book. Mozart started composing music from the (5) ____ of five. He wrote over 600 pieces of music in his life. |
I think the piano is the best (6) ____ instrument in the world. It has lots of black and white keys. These look really beautiful. They also (7) ____ great too. People who can play the piano have a special talent. Concert pianists are very lucky. They (8) ____ people happy with the lovely music they create. Composers are also very talented. It must be great to write music that people love. Mozart was an amazing (9) ____. All of his music is extra special. He was a musical genius, (10) ____ at the age of five. We are so lucky that he lived and loved music.
3. Post-Listening Exercises
Spell the jumbled words (from the text) correctly.
Paragraph 1 1. A careeherrs in Austria 2. Classical music xpreet 3. a piano cecaprit book 4. Mozart dcetrea the music 5. Mozart wasn’t old ugnhoe 6. He wrote over 600 pceies of music |
Paragraph 2 7. musical mrenttiuns 8. black and white eksy 9. Concert stnipias 10. the eloyvl music they create 11. an amazing ltante 12. He was a musical esingu |
Number these lines in the correct order.
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
A researcher in Austria has found two new piano pieces by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Classical is extra special. He was a musical genius, even at the age of five. We are so lucky that he lived and loved music. when he was just eight years old. This was when Mozart wasn’t old enoug to write music, so his father wrote are also very talented. It must be great to write music that people love. Mozart was an amazing talent. All of his music talent. Concert pianists are very lucky. They make people happy with the lovely music they create. Composers in the back of a piano practice book made by Mozart’s father. Leisinger believes Mozart created the music white keys. These look really beautiful. They also sound great too. People who can play the piano have a special music expert Ulrich Leisinger said the works were "almost certainly" composed by Mozart. The music was found down the notes in the book. Mozart started composing music from the age of five. He wrote over 600 pieces of music in his life. I think the piano is the best musical instrument in the world. It has lots of black and |
IV. Тренування навичок читання та вибіркового перекладу. Виконання після текстових завдань. Мета: навчити читати текст з розумінням основного змісту.
Прийом: індивідуальне читання та вибірковий переклад тексту, мовна здогадка, заповнення інфо прогалин, виконання усних вправ на перевірку розуміння тексту, складання власних письмових висловлювань згідно поданого плану. |
READING 1. Pre-reading activity I guess you know a lot about different Mozart. Answer the following questions. 1. What jobs did Mozart’s father have? 2. What instruments did Mozart play when he was a child? 3. When did he compose his first symphonies? 4. How did Mozart get into contact with musicians from other countries? 5. What kind of serious music did Mozart write? 6. Describe Mozart’s musical style.
• outstanding - exceptionally good; • royalty - people of royal blood or status; • to keep up with - to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something; • mid-teens - midway between 13 and 19; a person 15-17 years old; |
• up-and-coming - becoming popular and likely to achieve success soon or in the near future; • establish - achieve recognition or acceptance for (someone) in a particular capacity; • lavish - large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived between 1756 and 1791. He is one of the most famous composers ever to live. You can hear his music almost everywhere today – in TV commercials, movies, mobile phone ringtones, and of course concert halls. He composed over 600 works ranging from symphonies, piano concertos, operas and choral music. Many musicians and music experts say he was a musical genius. Mozart was born into a musical family in Salzburg, Austria. His father worked for the local orchestra, taught the violin and was a composer. Mozart started learning the keyboard when he was three and composed his first pieces of music aged five. His father soon became unable to keep up with his son’s outstanding talents. Between the ages of six and seventeen, Mozart went on tours of Europe with his family. He performed in front of royalty and met many great musicians. He also studied the works of the great composers, including Johan Bach, who he met in London in 1764 and 1765. By his mid-teens, Mozart had established himself throughout Europe as an up-and-coming composer. Mozart moved to Vienna and started composing some of his finest works, including the opera “The Marriage of Figaro”. He married, had two children and lived quite a lavish lifestyle. He worked non-stop producing music that is studied by students all over the world today. He continues to be one of the greatest influences on classical music.
3. Post-reading activity
Match the words from the article on the left with their synonyms on the right. Are your answers the same as other students’?
Paragraphs 1 and 2 |
1. |
almost a. |
specialists |
2 |
composed b. |
superb |
3. |
experts c. |
piano |
4. |
local d. |
virtually |
5. |
keyboard e. |
neighbourhood |
6. |
outstanding f. Paragraphs 3 and 4 |
7. |
tours g. |
best |
8. |
established h. |
rising |
9. |
up-and-coming i. |
trips |
10. |
finest j. |
luxurious |
11 |
lavish k |
inspirations |
influences l |
well known |
Match the following phrases from the ar
ticle. |
1. |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived a. |
studied by students |
2 |
music experts say b. |
of music aged five |
3. |
Mozart was born c. |
lavish lifestyle |
4. |
composed his first pieces d. |
coming composer |
5. |
His father soon became unable e. |
he was a musical genius |
6. |
He also studied the works f. |
on classical music |
7. |
an up-and- g. |
into a musical family |
8. |
producing music that is h. |
between 1756 and 1791 |
9. |
lived quite a i. |
to keep up |
one of the greatest influences j. |
of the great composers |
Delete the wrong word in each of the pairs in italics.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived between / around 1756 and 1791. He is one of the most famous composers even / ever to live. You can hear his music almost everywhere today – in TV commercials, movies, mobile phone ringtones, and of course concert halls. He composed over 600 work / works ranging from symphonies, piano concertos, operas and choral / coral music. Many musicians and music experts say he was a musical genius. Mozart was born onto / into a musical family in Salzburg, Austria. His father worked for / by the local orchestra, taught the violin and was a composer. Mozart started learning the keyboard when he was three and composed his first pieces of music aged / age five. His father soon became unable to keep down / up with his son’s outstanding talents. Between the ages of six and seventeen, Mozart went / been on tours of Europe with his family. He performed in front of royalty / royal and met many great musicians. He also studied the works of the greet / great composers, including Johan Bach, who he met in London in 1764 and 1765. By his mid-teens, Mozart had established himself throughout Europe as an up-and-coming / down-andout composer. Mozart moved to Vienna and started composed / composing some of his finest works, including / included the opera “The Marriage of Figaro”. He married, had two children and lived quite / quiet a lavish lifestyle. He worked non-stop |
producing music that is studied by students all over the world today. He continues to be one of the greatest influence / influences on classical music. 3.4 SPELLING:
These jumbled words are from the text. Spell them correctly.
Paragraph 1 1. Mozart lived tneebwe 1756 and 1791 2. mobile phone oniersntg 3. He composed over 600 rwkso 4. he was a musical ugnise
Paragraph 2 5. Mozart was born into a sailumc family 6. His father worked for the local etscorrha 7. albenu to keep up 8. his son’s outstanding tantsle Paragraph 3 9. He performed in front of rtalyyo 10. the works of the agtre composers 11. Mozart had hdiselatebs himself 12. an up-and-nimgoc composer Paragraph 4 13. some of his tfesni works 14. lived quite a lavish eyflstiel 15. He worked nno-tops 16. one of the greatest leisnnecuf on classical music
Number these lines in the correct order.
( ) |
Between the ages of six and seventeen, Mozart went on tours of Europe with his family. He performed in front of |
( ) |
music. Many musicians and music experts say he was a musical genius. |
( ) |
aged five. His father soon became unable to keep up with and develop his son’s outstanding talents. |
( ) |
Mozart moved to Vienna and started composing some of his finest |
( ) |
be one of the greatest influences on classical music. |
( ) |
lifestyle. He worked non-stop producing music that is studied by students all over the world today. He continues to |
( ) |
violin and was a composer. Mozart started learning the keyboard when he was three and composed his first pieces of music |
( ) |
hear his music almost everywhere today – in TV commercials, movies, mobile phone ringtones, and of course concert |
( ) |
works, including the opera “The Marriage of Figaro”. He married, had two children and lived quite a lavish |
( ) |
composers, including Johan Bach, who he met in London in 1764 and 1765. By his mid-teens, Mozart had |
( ) |
halls. He composed over 600 works ranging from symphonies, piano concertos, operas and choral |
( ) |
royalty and met many great musicians. He also studied the works of the great |
( ) |
established himself throughout Europe as an up-and-coming composer. |
( ) |
Mozart was born into a musical family in Salzburg, Austria. His father worked for the local orchestra, taught the |
( 1 ) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived between 1756 and 1791. He is one of the most famous composers ever to live. You can |
With your partner, put the words back into the correct order.
1. Mozart 1791 and 1756 between lived |
2. music genius musical a was he say experts |
3. into musical Mozart born a family was |
4. three keyboard Mozart when started he learning was the |
5. develop keep his up son’s with outstanding and talents |
6. Mozart Europe of tours on went |
7. royalty of front in performed He |
8. finest started some his works composing of |
9. quite lifestyle a lived lavish |
10. by students all over the world today music that is studied |
3.7. Find 10 words about Mozart (
) and mark them. |
C |
E |
H |
G |
B |
H |
S |
H |
Y |
H |
W |
Q |
P |
P |
E |
R |
F |
O |
R |
M |
V |
C |
U |
T |
A |
N |
J |
F |
X |
V |
I |
O |
C |
A |
O |
E |
I |
W |
Q |
C |
O |
N |
F |
F |
R |
I |
G |
U |
Y |
P |
L |
C |
L |
E |
U |
T |
D |
A |
S |
I |
I |
E |
U |
R |
V |
I |
E |
N |
N |
A |
N |
R |
T |
F |
D |
U |
E |
T |
K |
N |
S |
T |
E |
K |
M |
R |
D |
U |
I |
O |
C |
O |
M P |
O |
S |
E |
R |
A |
V. WRITING. Тренування навичок письма. |
Write about Mozart for 10 minutes. Show your paper to your partner. Correct each other’s work. |
VI. SPEAKING. Розвиток навичок діалочічного мовлення. Мета: розвивати вміння будувати запитальні речення та вдосконалювати навички діалочічного мовлення.
STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B) 1. What do you know about Mozart? 2. What do you know about Mozart’s family? 3. Do you like listening to music written by Mozart? 4. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________
STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A) 1. What did you learn from this text about Mozart? 2. What kind of music did Mozart write? 3. Do you like playing the compositions written by Mozart? 4. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________ |
8. ___________________________________________________ |
VII. Online Investigations Мета: навчити студентів пошуку інформації для продукування усного монологічного висловлювання. |
INTERNET: Use the Internet to gather information.
Search the Internet and find more information about Mozart. Talk about what you discover with your partner(s).
VІII. Підсумки заняття. Оцінювання. Мотивація. |
You have done much today. You’ve learnt a lot about so genius and so different Mozart. Great job, guys! Your grades are … .
IX. Домашнє завдання. |
Your home assignment for the next lesson is:
1. MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Write a magazine article about Mozart. Include an imaginary interview with him. Write about what he did every day and what he thought about. Read what you wrote to your groupmates in the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your articles.
2. LETTER: Write a letter to Mozart. Ask him three questions about his life. Tell him how important he is in today’s world. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your “Mozart expert” partner(s) will try and answer your questions.
X. Прощання |
Thank you for your cooperation at the lesson! See you next week. Take care. Good-bye for now! |