Урок з англійської мови для 9 кл. на тему:"Наука та винаходи."

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Урок з англійської мови для 9 кл. на тему:"Наука та винаходи."Мета:

повторити й закріпити лексику теми;

розширити знання учнів про винаходи, які змінили наше життя;

повторити граматичний матеріал Past Passive;

розвивати навички вивчаючого читання з повним розумінням прочитаного і з метою отримання корисної інформації;

розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів;

формувати в учнів уміння логічно та послідовно викладати власні думки;

вчити вмінню працювати в групах та відчувати відповідальність за виконану роботу;

розвивати мислення, допитливість та мовну здогадку;

ознайомити учнів з біографією видатного винахідника, його відкриттями;

виховувати толерантність, гордість за досягнення людства у розвитку науки і техніки.

Перегляд файлу

Тема:  Наука та винаходи.


повторити й закріпити лексику теми;

розширити знання учнів про винаходи, які змінили наше життя;

повторити граматичний матеріал Past Passive;

розвивати навички вивчаючого читання з повним розумінням прочитаного і з метою отримання корисної інформації;

розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів;

формувати в учнів уміння логічно та послідовно викладати власні думки;

вчити вмінню працювати в групах та відчувати відповідальність за виконану роботу;

розвивати мислення, допитливість та мовну здогадку;

ознайомити учнів з біографією видатного винахідника, його  відкриттями;

виховувати толерантність, гордість за досягнення людства у розвитку науки і техніки.

Обладнання: комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор, картки, дошка.



                                                                              Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу

1. Організаційний момент.

Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Greeting and aim.

Good morning everyone! I am glad to see you again! How are you today? Do you like watching TV or playing computer games? Do you know when, where and how they were invented? The reason I asked you the second question is that today we are going to speak  about inventions and inventors and their impact on people’s lives.

Today we are going to continue our talk about inven­tors and the role of science in our life.

Comeout: At the end of the lesson you will be able to:

Use the words on the topic

Speak about famous scientists

Express the opinions on the topic

Use Passive Voice in sentences

Interact with other students in groups.

(Підготовка до гри.

Діти діляться на дві команди і вигадують назву для своєї команди.)

ӀӀОсновна частина уроку

Task 1. Put the words into the right order.

Science is important for most people living in the modern world



T:.Listen to the poem and be ready to use the words and expressions from it.


If I become an inventor,


I'll improve everything:


Telephone and radio set,


Tape recorder and TV set,


Washing machine, refrigerator


It's interesting to be an inventor.


Інтерактивний прийом «Мікрофон».

Т:Where and how can we feel a great effect of modern technology and inventions on our lives?


Pupil 1: Both at home and at work we can feel a great effect of modern technology  on our lives. Washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves have made our life much easier. Less time we need to spend doing things like washing and cleaning.

Pupil 2: In the office computers, emails and photocopiers have revolutionized the way we work. People in different parts of the world communicate with each other easily, and business can be done much more quickly.

Т:Is it really interesting and useful to invent any­thing? Why?(Technology "Microphone")

(Діти висловлюють свої думки щодо значення винаходів; про винаходи, які б відкривали вони, демонструючи при цьому малюнки).


PI: I think it's really interesting but very difficult, because a person should spend a lot of time and energy. Not everybody can do it. It can take months, even years.


P2:I think we are happy because thanks to the fa­mous inventors we have a telephone, a telegraph, a car, a radio, a tape recorder, a computer, a video and many other things, which we use every day at home, at school, at work.


T: Вчитель англійської мови. You are right. If there were no inventions, our life would be very boring, we would have a lot of problems and difficulties. What about you? Are you ambitious enough to invent anything useful? What will it be?


PI: I would like to invent the magic carpet. Thanks to it I'll be able to visit different countries to learn about their traditions, to see the sights, to meet different people, to make new friends. I'll take my friends and we'll travel together all over the world.


P2: My dream is to invent a magic table cloth. When I put it on the table, I'll have different delicious meals, I'll never need to cook. I'll save my money and time.


T:. Your dreams are interesting and unusual. Why do you think it's difficult to invent useful and important things?


PI: Because you need to be very intelligent, gifted, get good knowledge in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry


Task 3. Brainstortorming 

Make up mind-map. Do inventions improve our lives? Do you know how? Look at the mind-map. Can you give adjectives describing our lives with inventions? You’ve got sheets of papers, write down the word and stick to the blackboard.


Task 4.Match the parts of the sentences.

Physics is…                the science that studies events and social processes of the past

Astronomy is…          the study of numbers, measurements and shapes 

Geology is…              the science of stars and planets, and their movements 

History is…                the study of the origin and history of rocks

Mathematics is …      the science of matter and energy such as heat, light, sound, etc.






Вчитель англійської мови.Now we are going to play a game. Break into teams: Team A (the 1 st row). Team B (the 2 nd one). While listening to the story Team A must stand up on hearing the word “invent”. Team B are to stand up when they hear the word “invention”. Let’s play.


Text: «Peter Greaves is 16. His ambition is to become a suc­cessful, professional inventor. Peter became interested in inventing when he learnt about famous inventors at school. His hero is Thomas Edison, the man who invented the light bulb. Edison got his first patent for an invention when he was 19. Peter wants to follow in Edison's footsteps.

Peter, who lives near New York, started to invent things when he was 3. His first inventions were toys which he made from old clothes.


Peter, whose latest invention is a gadget that helps old people pick up things without bending down, believes that his talent lies in finding solutions for everyday problems. For example, the family dog pulled Peter’s father off his bike while they were out on a walk together. So Peter in­vented a gadget, which allows you to ride a bike and walk your dog at the same time. When he tried to patent the idea he found that someone else had got there first.

Peter, who won the young inventor of the year com­petition, believes that if only he could invent something that was fun, fashionable and appealing to young people, he could make his fortune».tc.


Task5Подання тексту для читання

 a) Pre- reading conversation.

  T: Now we are going to read about the greatest scientists to have ever lived

 Read the text. For questions(1-5)choose the correct answer(A,B,C or D)

   Marie Curie was born in 1867.She is one of the greatest scientists to have ever lived. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity and discovered the chemical elements radium and polonium. Curie is the only person ever to win two Nobel Prizes in two different sciences. Other achievements include being the first female professor at the University of Paris.

   Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland. Her father was a Maths and Physics teacher and was a big influence on Marie’s early education. From an early age Marie was an exceptional student with an amazing memory. She often went without food and sleep to study. Her brilliant mind led her to Paris to study and conduct her research. In 1891 she started studies at Sarbonne University in Paris.

    She met her future husband Pierre Curie at the university .He considered Marie to be a genius and instantly wanted to work with her. They got married and spent most of their time together in their laboratory studying radioactive materials.In 1898 they discovered polonium. Their research led to the discover of radium ,for which they were honoured  with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903.

  Pierre was killed in 1906 and Marie was devastated and extremely lonely.She threw herself even deeper into her work and won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.She spent the 1920s raising funds for more research into radium.In 1934 she died from a condition caused by decades of exposure to radiation.Before that no one knew how deadly radium could be.


5.1 What is the best title for this text?                         

A)The Discoveries in Physics.

B)Marie’s Family Life

C)Marie Curie:the Greatest Scientist

D) Marie Curie:the Early Years.                                

2) Marie Curie…

A) was one of the greatest mathematicans.

B) studied radioactivity.

C) discovered radioactivity.

D)was the first female professor at the University of Warsaw

3)Curie won…                                                            

A) the Nobel Prize in Biology.                                   

B) two Nobel Prizes in Chemistry.                             

C) two Nobel Prizes in two different sciences           

D) no Nobel Prizes.                                                     

4)Who influenced Marie’s early education?

A)her Maths teacher.

B)her father.

C) Pierre Curie

D)the works of Albert Einstein

5)Marie and her husband…

A) studied radioactive materials together.

B)met at school.

C)were honoured  with the Nobel Prize in Maths

D) died in the same year

      5. 2 Role- playing in a form of interview.

One of the students is Marie Curie , the others ask him questions

When and where were you born?    ( I was born in 1867)

What was your father?                     ( My father was a Maths and Physics teacher)

When did you move to Paris ?           (  In 1891 I moved to Paris)

Where did you meet your future husband Pierre Curie? ( at the university)

When did you win the Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery of radioactivity?(In 1903)

When did you discover polonium? (In 1898)

When did you win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?(1911)

 Task 6Grammar Practice.

Write using the Past Passive of the verbs in brackets.

Past Simple Passive: was \ were + V3.. Use the information in the table to write about famous scientists. An example (1)has been done for you.




 Marie Curie


discovered polonium

Tomas Edison


invented the light bulb.

Albert Einstein


discovered the theory of relativity.



constructed the first astronomical telescope.



discovered the formula for the volume of a sphere

Alexander Bell


invented the telephone

Marie Curie was a  Polish scientist. Polonium was discovered by her.

Task 7

 T:  Thanks to Bell men have got a telephone and almost a hundred years used it for communication. But in April 3, 1973 a new invention radically changed the world. It was a mobile phone invented by Dr Martin Cooper at Motorola. A mobile phone allows you to use telephone service from almost anywhere.

Do you have a mobile phone?

Do you often use it?

 What is your telephone number?

 Who do you phone?

Are most of your calls for business or for pleasure?

 Do you enjoy talking on the telephone?

Look and read useful phrases for talking over the telephone:

Hello!/Hi! This is… speaking.

Is Mary in?

May I speak to…, please?

Please tell him/her I called.

Sorry. I must have called the wrong number.

Good talking to you.

Could you please give me a ring…?

Can I take / leave a message for…?

T:Work in pairs. Read and act out the telephone conversation. Use the phrases from the box above.

Student A. Your brother’s/ sister’s friend is giving a call to your house, but, unfortunately, your brother/ sister isn’t in. Talk to a person calling. Ask him/her to leave a message to your brother/ sister or phone again in an hour.

Student B. You’re are giving a call to your friend, but, unfortunately, he/ she isn’t in. You’re talking to his/ her brother/ sister. Introduce yourself. Leave a message and ask your friend to give you a call when he/ she is back home

ӀӀӀ.Заключна частина уроку

1Домашнє завдання. Homework.

Write a letter to “ English Bridge”. You should tell about any invention or discovery you like.

2 Summarising.  Підсумки.

Thank you very much, pupils, for your creative work.  Unfortunately, our lesson is coming to the end. What useful information have you learnt today? What new things have you found out? Were the learning activities useful for you? I hope you learnt some important and interesting facts about science, scientists and inventors. Your marks are…The lesson is over. See you next time.































30 липня 2018
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