урок з англійської мови у 7 Б класі "Традиції різних країн"

Про матеріал

Практична: активізувати вживання в мовленні лексичних одиниць з теми, практикувати у учнів монологічного та діалогічного мовлення в межах вивченої теми та відповідно до комунікативного завдання, сприяти формуванню комунікативної компетенції, опрацювання навичок аудіювання та виконання практичних завдань.

Розвивальна: розвивати творче мислення, уяву, тривалу пам'ять, мовленнєву реакцію, здогадку.

Виховна:виховувати любов до іноземної мови, пізнавальний інтерес до національних свят та традицій Великобританії та до країни мови якої вивчаємо.

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Урок  з англійської мови «Традиції різних країн»


Практична: активізувати вживання в мовленні лексичних одиниць з теми, практикувати у учнів монологічного та діалогічного мовлення в межах вивченої теми та відповідно до комунікативного завдання, сприяти формуванню комунікативної компетенції, опрацювання навичок аудіювання та виконання практичних завдань.

Розвивальна: розвивати творче мислення, уяву, тривалу пам'ять, мовленнєву реакцію, здогадку.

Виховна:виховувати любов до іноземної мови, пізнавальний інтерес до національних свят та традицій Великобританії та до країни мови якої вивчаємо.

План уроку.

  1. Організаційний момент.
  2. Мета уроку.
  3. Пісня “The more we get together.”
  4. Опрацювання лексичних одиниць.
  5. Опрацювання навичок усного мовлення при практиці учнів монологічного та діалогічного мовлення в межах вивченої теми.
  6. Опрацювання монологічного мовлення. Розповідь учнів про традиції країни.
  7. Виконання пісні “Jingle bells”
  8. Опрацювання лексичних одиниць при виконанні лексико – фонетичних та граматичних вправ.
  9. Опрацювання писемного мовлення.
  10. Опрацювання діалогічного мовлення при опису національних та нетрадиційних свят Англії та Америки.
  11. Опрацювання навичок аудіювання автентичного тексту та тестова робота.
  12.  Домашнє завдання.
  13.  Підсумок уроку.

Хід уроку.

  1. Привітання. Фонетична зарядка.

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. Who is absent?
  3. What is the day today?
  4. What is the day of the week today?
  5. What is the weather like?
  6. Is it frosty (sunny, snowy, slippery) today?
  7. Do you like such weather?
  8. Do you like more winter or summer?

Thank you! Sit down! Let’s begin our lesson.

  1. Мета уроку.

Teacher: As you know there are holidays which are celebrated everywhere in the world like Christmas or Easter. But people celebrate them differently. They say: “So many countries, so many customs”. And now let us assure of it. At our lesson we are going to speak about the national holidays of Great Britain and USA, we shall know how they celebrated it. We shall speak and do some practical works.

Look at the blackboard, you can see the words

“There is no place like home” – Немає місця, подібного дому

“The Englishman’s home is his castle” – Дім англійця – його фортеця


3.Учні співають пісню «The more we get together»

The more we get together

Together, together

The more we get together

The happier we’ll be

For  your friends are my friends

And my friends are your friends

The more we get together

The happier we’ll be

4.Опрацювання лексичних одиницьпри фонетиці та значенні слова.

Teacher: Let’s repeat the words and word – combinations.

to celebrate-святкувати

celebration- святкування

bad luck -

good luck -

to observe - спостерігати

to strike - бити

pumpkin - гарбуз

candle - свічка

to decorate - прикрашати

to bring - приносити

cut out - вирізати

knock - стукати

polly - гілочка

twigs – гостролист

painted - красити

sweethearts - кохані

trick - пригощатись

treat – не ображатись

lantern - ліхтарик

agift - подарунок

traditionally - традиційно

a custom - звичай

a priest- священик

to be connected with -

to be associated with -

oldfashioned – старомодний


5. 6.Опрацювання монологічного мовлення. Розповідь учнів про традиції країни.

Tourist: I am from Ukraine. Each country and every nation has its own customs and traditions.  In our country we have got a lot of different traditions and customs. I know that England and the USA have got a lot of interesting customs and holidays I‘d like to learn it.

What holidaysdo English and American celebrate in January?

Pupil 1. The first of January is the national holiday in Great Britain and America. People do not go to work on New Year’s Day. People in Scotland celebrate New Year’s Eve. The holiday begins in the evening on the 31st of December. Relatives and friends come to the house, they have a good dinner, play and dance. When the town clocks begin to strike twelve, the people come together. They take hands and sing the famous Scottish song “Auld Lang Syne” by Robert Burns. The song is about old days and friendship between people. On the 25th of December people celebrated Christmas in Great Britain and the USA. In these countries the New Year is not as widely celebrated as Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at usual time.

Teacher:  2. What holidays doEnglish and American celebrate in February?

Pupil 2. Nowadays St. Valentine’s Day is a day for sweethearts. This is a day when you show your friend or loved one tour care. You can send candy to someone you think is special. You can send roses the flowers of love. Most people send “valentines”, greeting cards named after the notes that St. Valentine wrote.

Teacher:  3. What holidays do English and American celebrate in March?

Pupil 3. Mother’s Day is a holiday for all mothers in these countries. The British people usually celebrate this holiday on the last Sunday in March. On this day sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring those flowers and little presents. The eldest son must bring his mother a good cake. On Mother’s Day the Mother of the family does not work at home, so her daughters make the dinner.

Teacher:  4. Whatholidays do English and American celebrate in April?

Pupil 4:It is a very unusual tradition. In Britain the first of April is April Fool`s Day. It is the day for merry tricks. British children play many tricks on other people and say “April fool”. They play April Fool tricks only before twelve o`clock in the afternoon. If they play a trick after twelve o`clock, they themselves are April Fools. Fun and jokes are very common on April Fool’s Day. In Scotland an old name for April Fool is April is April – cuckoo. For some reason the cuckoo is a symbol for daftness. The return of the cuckoo and the arrival of spring are connected with all this fooling.

Teacher: The national holiday celebrates in Great Britain is Easter.

Pupil 5: In April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easter Day.  Easter is a religiousholiday. It`s date depends on the lunar calendar, but it is always Sunday and always in spring. Easter symbolizes the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christian remembers the death of Crist and his return to life. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate eggs and rabbits.  Children like this holiday for traditional brightly pointed boiled eggs, and special Easter cakes. Easter cakes you can buy at the bakery`s shop and you will prepare at home. At Easter people usually exchange dyed eggs. People dye eggs and present their relatives and friends with them. People go the church and stay for a service.

Teacher:  5. What holidays do English and American celebrate in October?

Pupil 6:Halloween is both a British and an American holiday. In Britain it is celebrated in Scotland and Wales. This festival celebrates the return of the souls of the dead who come back to visit places where they lived. In the evening there are lots of Halloween parties. In the evening of October 31st boys and girls dress up in different old clothes and wear masks. People dress up as witches, devils, cats, ghosts or bats.   As the night is usually quite dark they take with them a lantern made from a pumpkin.  Houses are decorated with pumpkins with candles inside them. They cut out two eyes, a nose, a mouth go from house to house and knock on the doors calling “trick or treat”. The people gave them fruits, cakes, sweets. Some children follow the American custom called Trick or Treat.

Teacher:  6. What holidays do English and American celebrate in November?

Pupil 7:On November fifth the  British people light fireworks and burn a guy on a bonfire. This is in memory of the time when Guy Fawkes tried to destroy Parliament in London in 1605. The historical meaning of the occasion is no longer important. At different celebrations people are involved in different activities.

Pupil 8:Still another interesting tournament is the Veteran Car Run. The veteran cars are set out on the London – Brighton run each November. There is an important condition – every car taking part must be at least 60 years old. It provides the gayest motoring spectacle of the year and a wonderful opportunity to see these old fine cars. The London – Brighton ride is not a race. Participants are limited to a maximum average of 20 miles per hour. At 8 o’clock comes the “Off” the main things in this tournament are the cars that represent the history of the country.

Teacher:  7. What holidays do English and American celebrate in December?

Pupil 9:Christmas is a Christian holiday. It is celebrated on December 25. People decorate their homes before Christmas. They decorate their Christmas tree. They make or buy gifts for their family and friends. People send Christmas cards. Many people bake cookies for Christmas. People sing Christmas chorals. They sing chorals in street and hospitals. On Christmas Eve many people go to church. At home children hang up stockings. They hope that Santa Claus will fill the stockings with toys. Families and friends have Christmas parties and dinners. People give gifts and wish “Merry Christmas!” to each other.

7. Виконання пісні “Jingle bells”

1.Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go, laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring, making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight!

Chorus:    Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!


8.Опрацювання лексичних одиниць при виконанні лексико – фонетичних та граматичних вправ.

Teacher: Thank you very much for you information. Now look at the blackboard and do some jobs. You heard about nine English and American holidays. Match their descriptions with their names given below.

  1. 1st January                                         a) the Veteran Car Run
  2. 31st October                                      b) Christmas
  3. 14 th February                                  c) the Mother’s Day
  4. 25 th December                                 d) the St. Valentine’s Day
  5. Last Sunday in March                       e) April Fool’s Day
  6. In March and April                            f) Halloween
  7. 5 th November                                   g) New Year’s Day
  8. 1st April                                           h) Easter
  9. each November                                  i) Guy Fawkes Nights

Answer: 1) g    2) f   3) d    4) b   5) c   6) h  7) i    8) e   9) a

Teacher: Let’s repeat words and word- combinations. Choose lexical words for different holidays and customs.

1) the Veteran Car Run

2) Christmas

3) the Mother’s Day

4) the St. Valentine’s Day

5) April Fool’s Day

6) Halloween

7) New Year’s Day

8) Easter                               

9) Guy Fawkes Nights

Roast a turkey, tick or teat, decorate tree, sweethearts, valentine’s cards, Christmas pudding,  lighted candle, a pumpkin, Christmas chorals,Merry Christmas!, light fireworks,bonfire, Scottish song,  the history of the country, the gayest motoring spectacle, witches and devils, the return of the souls of the dead, chocolate eggs and rabbits, go the church, stay for a service, boiled colour eggs, special cakes,merry tricks, the arrival of spring, flowers and little presents, the flowers of love, greeting cards, put on masks, decorate, Happy Mother’s Day, Be my Valentine, good luck.

9.Опрацювання діалогічного мовлення при опису національних та нетрадиційних свят Англії та Америки.

Teacher: What do usually do people in Britain at different celebrations?


  1. People set off firecrackers;
  2. People cook dinner for the whole family;
  3. People give gifts to their relatives and friends;
  4. People dye eggs and present their relatives and friends with them;
  5. People make fancy costumes and put them on;
  6. People take part in parades;
  7. People go to the church and stay for a service;
  8. People write and send beautiful postcards;
  9. People decorate fire tree;
  10.  People light fireworks and burn a guy on a bonfire;
  11. People provide the gayest motoring spectacle of the year and a wonderful opportunity to see these old fine cars;
  12.  People decorate their houses with pumpkins with candles inside them, they cut out two eyes, a nose, a mouth;
  13.  People  play April Fool tricks;
  14.  People visit women, mothers and bring those flowers and little presents;
  15.  People take hands and sing the famous Scottish song “Auld Lang Syne” by Robert Burns.

Teacher: In many countries there are interesting customs for birth, marriages, the seasons or good luck. Match the holidays and their descriptions.

People set off firecrackers;( New Year)

People cook dinner for the whole family; (Christmas)

People give gifts to their relatives and friends; (Christmas)

People dye eggs and present their relatives and friends with them; (Easter)

People make fancy costumes and put them on; (Halloween)

People take part in historical car parades; (Veteran  Car Run)

People go to the church and stay for a service; (Easter)

People write and send beautiful postcards;( St. Valentine Day)

People decorate fire tree; (Christmas)

People light fireworks and burn a guy on a bonfire; (Guy Fawkes Nights)

People provide the gayest motoring spectacle of the year and a wonderful opportunity to see these old fine cars; (the Veteran Car Run)

People decorate their houses with pumpkins with candles inside them, they cut out two eyes, a nose, a mouth;( Halloween)

 People play April fool tricks;( April Fool’s Day)

People visit women, mothers and bring those flowers and little presents; (Mother’s Day)

 People take hands and sing the famous Scottish song “Auld Lang Syne” by Robert Burns. (NewYear’sDay)

10.Опрацювання навичок аудіювання автентичного тексту та тестова робота.

Teacher: You have got next task. Let’s listen the text “English traditions” and do some tasks.

English traditions.

Every country and every nation has its own customs and traditions. You cannot speak about England without speaking about its traditions and customs. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. The English are stay – at – home people. “There is no place like home,” they say.When they don’t work they like to spend their days off at home with their families. Englishmen are very fond of fire – places, that’s why many of them prefer the open fire to central heating.They like to live in small houses with a small garden.People all over the world know the saving “The Englishman’s home is his castle”They say that English people keep to their traditions even in meals.Porridge is the dish Englishmen are very fond of.Many of them eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast.As for the Scots, for example, they never put sugar in their porridge, they always put salt in it.By the way, breakfast time in England is between seven and nine.Then, between 12 and 2 there comes lunch time.In some English houses lunch is the biggest meal of the day – they have meat or fish, vegetables, fruit or pudding.In the afternoon, at tea – time the English like to have a cup of tea with milk.Some Englishmen have their dinner late in the evening.For dinner they have soup, fish or meat, vegetables, pudding or fruit.For supper they usually have a glass of milk and a cake or a cup of tea and a sandwich.The English are tea – drinkers.They have it many times a day.Some Englishmen have tea for breakfast, tea in lunch time, tea after dinner, tea at tea – time and tea with supper.Some English families have “high tea” or big tea and no supper.For high tea they may have cold meat, bread and butter, cakes, and, of course, a lot of tea.The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.

Teacher: You listened the text “English traditions” Let’s do some exercises. Put a tick (V) if the sentence is true or cross (X) if the sentence is false.

1. The English are stay – at – home people.

2. Englishmen are very fond of fire – places.

3. They like to live in big houses with a big garden.

4. When they don’t work they like to spend their days with their friends in open air.

5. They say “There is no place like home”

6. English people keep to their traditions even in meals.

Teacher: Read and match:



1. Breakfast                                         

2. English

3. English lunch

4. For dinner

5. High tea

6. English houses lunch


a)Between 12 and 2

b) have soup, fish or meat, vegetables, fruits

c) have cold meat, bread, butter, cakes

d) the biggest meal of the day

e) tea –drinkers

f) between 7 and 9


Answers: 1) f    2) e   3) a    4) b    5) c     6) d

11.Рішення кросворду.

12. Домашнє завдання.

13. Підсумок уроку.







































До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 7 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
14 листопада 2018
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