Вправи для розвитку писемного продукування для учнів 5-6-х класів

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Дані вправи можуть слугувати роздатковим матеріалом на уроках автоматизації та закріплення знань. Можливе використання для індивідуальної роботи,роботи в парах та групах. Мовний інвентар: ступені порівняння прикметників;дієслово to be(Present Simple,Past Simple); прийменники; займенники some,any.

Перегляд файлу



1. Complete the text. Use the words from the Word Bank putting them into the Past Simple Tense.

Word Bank

go, stay, spend, travel, enjoy, take, see, be.


Last June Taras_________to Yalta for three weeks. He________

by plane and he______in a tent. He_________photographs of

beautiful mountains, flowers and the sea. He____________in the

Zoo. He_______lions and tigers, but he did not see any

elephants or crocodiles. He______his time there very well. He

 his holidays very much.


2. Fill in with 'am', 'is', 'are', 'was', 'were'.

  1.     "Where___________you born?" "I_________born in Lviv."
  2.     "Where_________you yesterday?" "I_________at school."
  3.     The weather ____________ beautiful today. It _____________ terrible


  1.     I could play chess when I____________five.
  2.     The children___________in the yard now. They_________at a party

yesterday evening.

  1.     Hello. I________sorry I_________late!
  2.      Tom at school yesterday morning?
  3.      you tired? I know you worked hard.

3. Write down a story about your last summer holidays. You can use a Word Map in PB on p.12 and the following word combinations.

  1.     swam in the sea / river
  2.     went to visit grandparents
  3.     helped grandmother to milk a cow
  4.     lay in the sun
  5.     went to the forest with friends
  6.     went to the camp
  7.     read many interesting books
  8.     learned to swim
  9.     saw a football game
  10. saw many interesting new films on TV / at the cinema

4. Copy these parts of the letter in the correct order. Remember to put capital letters and commas where necessary. Put the words in brackets into the correct tense form.


Your friend

20 pine street new roshel new york 10804


dear Mrs Cortez





how are you? I just got back from our class trip, we (visit) a town where people live as they (do) a hundred years ago. we (watch) them baking bread in stone fireplaces and (see) a real trading post, we even got to (watch) the blacksmith making horseshoes. I (have) so much fun. and I (take) pictures and I almost (miss) the bus!

5. a) Change the following verbs into the Present Simple Tense.

  1.     My sister __________(liked) playing with dolls.
  2.     Father__________(took) my sister to the Zoo.
  3.     On Saturday we____________(went) to the circus.
  4.     When you__________(were) ill the doctor____________(came) and

 (gave) you some medicine.

  1.     I (stayed) at home and_____________________(played) with dolls.

b) Change the following verbs into the Past Simple Tense.

  1.     Mother__________(gives) breakfast and dinner on time.
  2.     I (put) your pencil on the desk.
  3.     Her holidays__________(are) over.
  4.     It (is) time to go to school.
  5.     My sister__________(comes) up to Mum and____________(says): "I

don't want to play with my doll."

6. Fill in 'some' or 'any'.

  1.     There are________good shops in my street.
  2.     There aren't_________good shops in this part of the town.
  3.     Are there_________good cafes near your house?
  4.     There are_________trees in the garden.
  5.     Are there________books in the living room?
  6.     I need________pens, but I don't need__________pencils.
  7.     I haven't got__________paper.
  8.     I bought________fruit, but I didn't buy_________vegetables.
  9.     I don't have__________free time today. Sorry.
  10. They didn't make____________mistake.
  11. Have you got__________brothers or sisters?
  12. When we were on holiday, we visited______very interesting places


7. Fill in "some" or "any".

Have you got______________sport stamps in

your collection? No, I haven't got_________________

stamps. I have got___________money. I want to

buy books for present. Is there

 juice to drink? There is ____________________

juice you like.


8. Fill in 'some», 'any' or'all'.

  1.      of this money is yours.
  2.     I like__________ of the pictures in this museum.
  3.     He didn't read____________books in his library.
  4.     Do you know___________people in this photo?
  5.     I enjoyed___________actors of the play.
  6.     You can't stay at the hotel.______________of the hotels are full.
  7.     The weather was bad. It rained_______________the time.
  8.      of us are going out tonight. Would you like to come

with us?

  1.     How many pupils of your class went on an excursion? —  of them.


9. Fill in the following words (some, any, no).

Do you want_________food?

I have____books to read.

He doesn't like_________fish.

We have got_______pictures on the wall.

Do you like_______vegetables?

They can take________pens.

You don't speak________language.


10. Choose the correct answer a), b), c) or d).

  1.     There are__________envelopes on my desk.

a) some b) any c) some of d) one of

  1.     There isn't__________money in my pocket.

a) no b) some c) any of d) any

  1.     Have you got_________good computer games?

a) any b) any of c) a lot d) some

  1.      my friends want to see the concert.

a) some b) any of c) all of d) no

  1.      the photos are beautiful!
  1.      some b) all of c) many d) any of


11. Match to make up sentences.



12. Complete the following sentences in a suitable way. Use 'have to1, 'has to' 'had to' and the words from the Word Bank.

Word Bank

to go, to get up, to take, to read, to drive, to write

  1.     I've got some medicine from the doctor. I_______________________

them three times a day.

  1.     Remember! When you drive in England you_____________________

 on the left!

  1.     "Why are you late?" "Sorry. I___________________________to

the shop to buy some pens."

  1.     You__________;____________this book. It's very interesting.
  2.     Tom______________________the exercise on page 27.
  3.     My sister_______________________early to be at school in time.


13. Complete the following sentences. Use'don't have to', 'doesn't have to'.

  1.     You___________________write with a red pen in your exercise-


  1.     Mary, you______________________play with the toys!
  2.     Jim is on holidays. He______________________do his homework.
  3.     My brother__________________go to school on Sundays.
  4.     We bought some bread. We_____________________go to the shop.
  5.     My grandparents______________________go to work.
  6.     My grandmother___________________work in the garden.

14. Look at the chart. Match to make up your own sentences about you and your family.



15. Correct a mistake in each of the following sentences.

  1.      I have work hard to improve my English.
  2.      Joan don't have to go. She can stay here.
  3.      I'm sorry I'm late. I had to did the shopping.
  4.      I think the spacemen has to know English.
  5.      Does she has to read this rule?
  6.       Tom hasn't to use a computer.
  7.      You has to know English to understand people.
  8.      Do Mary have to help Ann to study English?
  9.        What time do you has to get up?
  10. Does your teacher have correct your homework?


16. Look at the school report. Compare the children's marks. Choose the right item.


17. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

Australia is __________________________ (small) continent

in the world.

Greenland which is in the North Atlantic Ocean is___________

 (large) island on our planet.

Mount Everest (or "Goddess Mother of the World") is________

 (high) mountain in the world.

  (large) ocean on our planet is the

Pacific Ocean.

 (long) river in the world is the Nile

which is in Africa.

   (deep) lake in the world is lake

Baikal in Russia.


18. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of adjectives in brackets.

I went on holiday last year but it was horrible! My hotel

was (small) than the one in the advert.

The weather was terrible. It was____________________ (cold)

than in France. It was___________________(dirty) beach on

the island. The food was_________________________(expen­sive) than I thought. One day I broke a vase in the shop. It

was (beautiful) vase in the whole shop.

But  (bad) thing which happened to me

was that I lost my passport and I couldn't get home. It was  (awful) holiday in my life.


19. Fill in the correct prepositions: at, in (x2), on, to, with.

  1.   Mary always helps her classmates___________Maths.
  2.   We study_________the secondary school.
  3.   I've got English_________my timetable.
  4.   We listened________our teacher attentively.
  5.   Ben has got Maths_________Tuesday.
  6.   They found this information_________the encyclopedia.


20. Fill in the prepositions: across, from, on, past, opposite, straight, at.

  1.   You should go___________the road to get to the fishmonger's.
  2.   The newsagent's is____________the corner.
  3.   Go ahead, the grocer's is on your left.
  4.   The pet shop is____________the right.
  5.   Go the library. The butcher's is___________________________it.
  6.   The department store is not far______________the baker's.


21. Fill in the necessary prepositions: on, out, around, into, in, from, up, with (x2), about, of.

  1. This book deals_______funny adventures______the Country ___ Oz.
  2.   Our librarian, Mrs Right, gets___________well______all children.
  3.   My little sister often cuts_____________pictures________her books.
  4.   The children have already lined____________at the desk.
  5.   Harry was always curious_____________the world___________him.
  6.   The ugly witch had turned______________the beautiful queen, when

the princess came.


22. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.


  1.      Last week my granny came to us ................. Sunday.
  2.      I usually get up .............. 7 o'clock.
  3.      She always brushes her teeth ................. the morning.
  4.      Yesterday my father listened to the radio ................... night.
  5.      They will travel around the world ................. 2006.
  6.      I will give her this present ................. Christmas


23. Fill in the blanks with "myself", "themselves", "itself" or "himself".

  1.      My little kitten can climb trees ..................................
  2.      My grandparents can't go shopping ...............................
  3.      I can read English books .......................................
  4.      My younger brother can walk ...................................


24. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.


  1.      Yesterday I came home ............... 12 o'clock.
  2.      My mother always finishes her work .................. the afternoon.
  3.      Our teacher went to Great Britain .................. 2001.

4  Saturday we shall go on a picnic.

  1.      My telephone rang ............... midnight.
  2.      My friend's birthday is ................ February.


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