Вживання дієслова to be в Past Simple

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Тест на вживання дієслова to be в Past Simple. Складається з 3-х частин. діти зможуть на практиці показати свої знання з теорії, а вчитель проконтрулювати якість засвоєння матеріалу та зробити висновки.

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Test using was or were

Fill in was or were


1. The pirates _ _ _ _ on the pirate ship.

2. Their parrot _ _ _ _ with them too.

3. The ship _ _ _ _ in the harbor- ready to sail.

4. Two of the pirates _ _ _ _ girls.

5. There _ _ _ _a black flag flying on the ship.

6. There _ _ _ _ a skull and crossbones on the flag.

7. All the pirates _ _ _ _ excited about leaving.

8. The captain _ _ _ _ sure they would find gold.

9. The map _ _ _ _ old, but it _ _ _ _ a good one.

10. There _ _ _ _ 10 pirates aboard.

11. They say that the treasure _ _ _ _ on a desert island.

12. On the island there _ _ _ _ a chest filled with gold.

13. The weather _ _ _ _ great and all the pirates _ _ _ _ sure they would find the buried treasure.

14. Don’t you wish you _ _ _ _ there with them too?

Fill in was or wasn’t


1. The captain of the ship _ _ _ _ _ _ ready yet.

2. There _ _ _ _ _ _ enough food on board.

3. All the pirates _ _ _ _ _ _ in their cabins either.

4. The girl pirate _ _ _ _ _ _ scared at all.

5. Last year the gold _ _ _ _ _ _ on the island they had sailed to; the map _ _ _ _ _ _ correct.

6. The pirates _ _ _ _ _ _ happy to return empty handed.

7. Their good luck parrot _ _ _ _ _ _ with them then.

8. And that’s why they _ _ _ _ _ _ successful.

9. This year there _ _ _ _ _ _ any reason for failure.

10. The pirates said that conditions _ _ _ _ _ _ like last time- everything was better.

Fill in was or were


1.  _ _ _ _ you ready for adventure too?

2. _ _ _ _your bag packed and your passport ready?

3. _ _ _ _ your best friend a pirate too?

4. _ _ _ _ your best friend ready to search for gold?

5. _ _ _ _ the pirates ready to sail?

6. When _ _ _ _ the adventure supposed to start?

7. What time _ _ _ _ the departure.

8. Where _ _ _ _ treasure chest buried?

9. What island _ _ _ _ it on? I think it _ _ _ _ on Crossbone Island.

10. That island _ _ _ _ located in the Pacific Ocean.

11. _ _ _ _ the captain ready to set sail?

12. _ _ _ _ all hands on deck for departure?

13. Yes, all the pirates _ _ _ _ ready to sail. Heave ho! And away we go!


18 грудня 2018
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