Конспект уроку з курсу за вибором "The Key to Success" на тему "Family relationships "

Про матеріал
Опрацювання тематичного матеріалу. Практика читання та перекладу. Практика монологічного мовлення. Перегляд та аналіз відеосюжету.
Перегляд файлу

Lesson 2


I. Checking homework assignment (Personality traits)

  • What was your homework assignment for today?
  • Your stories (Describe a teacher you once had and who you enjoyed being taught by. You should say:
  • who this person was
  • when he/she was your teacher
  • which subject he/she taught you
  • and describe what it was about his/her character that you liked.)


II. New topic: Family relationships (+ Aim)


1. Why Are Family Relationships Important? (How do you think? In your own words)


Let’s sum up: (Reading, translating, writing down unknown words)

  • A family makes all its members feel safe and connected to one another.
  • It provides us with the comfort of having people by our side during tough times, helping us to manage our stress.
  • A family allows us to feel safe, protected, accepted and loved despite our shortcomings.
  • Families are the basic units that teach children about relationships. Children brought up in a healthy family will be able to form better bonds outside their home.
  • Strong relationships teach us how to build trust in others as family members share both good and bad times together.


2. What are The Characteristics Of A Strong Family? (Speaking)

Let’s sum up: (Reading, translating, writing down unknown words)

  • Have good communication. 
  • Share a feeling of togetherness.
  • Spend time with each other.
  • See a crisis situation as an opportunity to grow. 
  • Show care and affection to every member. 
  • Lead by example.
  • Support its members.
  • Focus on every member’s well-being. 


shortcoming недолік, недосконалість, дефект, проступок

togetherness почуття єдності, близькість, духовне єднання, єдність душ


Which of you supposes to have a Strong Family? (Speaking)


3. Video Now or Never - A Short Film About Family Relationships” (Listening)

  • What was the film about?      What is the main idea?
  • Do you spend enough time with your family?


4. Homework:

  1. Study the material of the lesson and write a short essay about:
  • the relationships in your family or
  • the model of ideal relationships in your own future family with a beloved person.

2. Be ready to talk it over.


5. Summing-up and Reflexion

17 січня 2023
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