7 клас II ceместр
The Lazy Donkey
Once a tradesman had a donkey that was a very strong animal but very lazy. The tradesman was a kind man and fed the donkey well, but the animal was always displeased and grumbled that he had to carry heavy bags.
The tradesman travelled from town to town with all kinds of goods and came home only late in the evening. When the donkey was in the stable at night with the other animals, he always grumbled that he was very tired, and that his master made him carry very heavy loads. And the other animals shook their heads in sympathy, and they believed the donkey.
One day the tradesman bought two bags of salt which he wanted to sell in another town. So he loaded the bags on the donkey’s back and they started off.
On their way they came to a bridge across a river. Right in the middle of the bridge the donkey slipped and fell into the river. The master ran around to the bank and went into the water to help the animal back to dry ground.
Now the donkey noticed that his load was much lighter as the water had washed away part of the salt. “Ah, that’s good!” thought the lazy animal. “Why did not I think of that before?”
As the salt was no good at all now the tradesman returned to town and brought some other goods with which he loaded the donkey. Then they started again and when they came to the bridge the second time the donkey jumped into the water. As the bags did not contain salt this time but cloth instead, they became very heavy. The master helped the silly donkey back to the road. Now the load was twice heavy because it was wet. But as nobody wanted to buy the wet cloth, the tradesman could not sell it that day and the donkey had to carry the heavy bags home again on his back.
Key: 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-c, 6-d, 7-a, 8-c, 9-a, 10-d, 11-b
2. Listen to the text and retell it in your native language.
Key: 1. У торговця був сильний, але ледачий віслюк.
2. Торговець був добрим і добре годував віслюка.
3. Віслюк завжди був незадоволений. Він скаржився, що повинен перевозити важкі мішки.
4. Торговець подорожував з міста у місто з товарами і приїжджав додому пізно ввечері.
5. Інші тварини вірили віслюку і співчували йому.
6. Одного разу торговець закинув два мішки солі на віслюка і вирушив в інше місто, щоб продати їх.
7. Вони підійшли до мосту через річку.
8. Віслюк послизнувся на середині моста і впав у воду.
9. Господар витяг віслюка з води.
10. Віслюк помітив, що вантаж став набагато легшим, томущо вода змила частину солі.
11. Через те, що сіль зіпсувалася, торговець купив новий товар.
12. Цього разу віслюк сам стрибнув у воду в надії, що вантаж стане легшим.
13. Але вантаж став вдвічі важчим.
14. Ніхто не хотів купувати мокру тканину.
15. Віслюк мусив повертатися додому з важкими мішками.