Контрольна робота 7 клас ( екстернатна форма навчання)

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Контрольна робота для річного оцінювання з англійської мови за підручником О.Д. Карп'юк (7 клас).
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Завдання  для проведення   річного оцінювання

з  англійської мови 

учнів – екстернів

за курс 7 класу у 2023-2024 н. р.

(Завдання підготувала учитель англійської мови)

Завдання складаються та оцінюються таким чином:

№ завдання

Вид завдання

Система оцінювання

Кількість балів



Завдання альтернативного вибору

True \ False



 по 0, 5 б.





Завдання множинного вибору



по 0,5 б.




13 - 24

Завдання множинного вибору




 по 0,25 б.


















Read the text “Cheap and easy” and do the tasks.

    In a small town in the north of England there was a big library with a lot of interesting books in it. People in the town could take the books home for four weeks and read them. They could have four books each time – different books about animals, boats, cooking and holidays or love stories, and then they had to take them back to the library.

  Every year the library bought more and more books and soon the building was too small for all the books. One morning in early autumn the boss said: “November 28th is a big day for us - we’re going to move to a new library building.”  It`s much bigger and better building but there’s one difficult problem…it`s very expensive to move all our books to the new building. Where are we going to find money and the time?’ the boss asked.

   The people in the library thought about this problem. One evening five week before November 28th a young woman thought of a good plan. She went and talked to the boss about it. He was very interested and together they planned it all carefully. Two weeks later the boss told people about the plan: “ Between now and November 28th everybody can take six books home, not four books as usual…and they can have the books for six weeks, not four.”

    Everybody in the town was very happy and they took five or six books home. After two weeks most of the books were out of the library. On November 28th the big day arrived and they moved to the new building. It was quite easy because they had only a small number of books to move there. In the month after the move everybody took their books to the library. The boss was very happy because it was quite cheap to move and it was quick and easy, too.

I Mark the sentences True or False.

1. There were a lot of books in the library.

2. It was impossible to move to the new building .

3. People could take only two books each time from the library.

4. November 24th was a special day for the library.

5. The boss of the library didn’t  want to take books home.

6. There were books about animals, boats, cooking and holidays or love stories in the library.


Listen to the text “Tour of London”


II Check your understanding: multiple choice.

Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

7. The tour takes 2 / 3 / 4 hours.

8. At Madame Tussaud’s you can see maps of London / models of famous people / famous shops .

9. Oxford Street is a famous street for drinking tea / eating / shopping .

10. The Queen lives at Buckingham Palace / the Tower of London / Tower Bridge .

11. Big Ben is a tour guide / clock / bridge .

12. You can see great views of London from Oxford Street / the Houses of Parliament / London Eye .

III Choose the correct answer A, B, C.

13. Your friend will be there, …?

a) does he  b) is your friend  c) won’t he

14.The bus is leaving in five minutes,…?

a) isn’t it  b) does it  c) doesn’t it

15. How long …you been waiting here?

a) did  b) are  c) have

16. He’s been driving …about a year.

a) since  b) for  c) yet

17. Teenagers …spend long hours at the computer.

a) must  b) mustn’t  c) may

18. You …skip breakfast.

a) should  b) must c) mustn’t

19.It’s dark. I can’t see…

a) nothing  b) anything  c) everything

20. I’m looking for my lighter. I can’t find it …

a) everywhere  b) anything  c)anywhere

21.Would you like a …sandwiches to take with you?

a) few  b) little  c) many

22.I like these jeans, but they are a …too big.

a) little   b) lot of   c) few

23. It was a feeling he…before.

a) has never feel  b) had never felt c) had never feel

24. She can look after…

a) himself  b) itself  c) herself

IV You have seen this announcement in an international magazine.

Beaty Spots you shouldn’t miss!

Write a letter to your friend about the place you have visited.

  • Mention why the place is popular with visitors.
  • Say what attracts holidaymakers to the place.
  • Describe how you feel about the place.


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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