Family - a great power. But it is a reliable and sincerely protected from all life's troubles.
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God drove Adam and Eve from paradise because they did osluhalysya ... This passage from the Bible is the best evidence that the problem of "Fathers and Sons" is always relevant. Children can not hear, and in all to help their parents, because it lies in all of us. Each of us individual and each has its own point of view. We can not copy anyone, including parents. As much as possible, what we can do for the greater similarity with them is to choose the same path in life as our ancestors.
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Each family will sooner or later face difficulties regarding parenting. Problems in the relationship between parents and offspring are and happy, and unhappy families. Some are unavoidable because associated with crises of child development, and most of them can be easily avoided if you ask for that purpose.
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It is amazing what living in different dimensions and their adult children are growing up! And it's not that the 15-year-old boys and girls too frivolous and irresponsible as parents often complain about, and that adults are too eager to control their children, according to children. Just one of them acts prescribed in advance, "approved" role, unable to move away from clear who invented scenario.
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Problems in the relationship of parents and children may be due to unhealthy climate in the family. Families where thrive scandals neglect, conflict and neglect of each other, can not be a perfect springboard for the child's upbringing. Sorry, but there is a common complication in the behavior of children who grow up in conflict families. Such children often get sick, there are more tearful, nervous, aggressive. They can easily replicate the ugly actions of adults, and the outside world - students, friends of the court or just peers - react extremely unfriendly. It turns out that the situation is complicated by the fact that a child of this family experiencing great difficulties in adapting to the social environment. And then in the family and outside his life is full of anxiety, quarrels, insults and misunderstandings.
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Parent families have their own, specific range of problems. Usually they are related to the fact that parents have to act as both her father and mother at the same time. Especially difficult it is to realize if a person brings a child of the opposite sex. The boy, who brings single mom may lack standards of male behavior in front of your eyes. A girl can not imagine how a woman should behave within the family, if brought only one parent.
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It sounds awful, but, unfortunately, in families with low incomes often a specific type of problems between parents and children. Firstly, do not always work out to give the child the opportunity to learn where he wants. Second, today's children are cruel, and consumer society that actively imposed on us through the media, teaches them to treat with contempt those who are not dressed in the fashion or can not afford the extra pin.
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Even in the ideal family time storm. Something happens to a child that puts on the ear the whole house. During certain periods and clearly described in child psychology regularity children are prickly, arrogant, rebellious, moody. This is usually due to the fact that the child is experiencing a crisis of development. The crisis of child development - it is the point at which the child does not want to live in an old and a new can. And then he expressed his dissatisfaction because of the protests and whims. If parents do not know how to respond to children's age crises, serious problems and misunderstandings in a relationship with the children they practically guaranteed.
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If the child is a child parents constantly inspired that she goof, mattress, sloven, then sooner or later, the child begins to believe in it. But first, inside the conflict occurs, so that the child knows that it is not so bad, trying to please their parents, and they do not notice, trying to fit the child under their measurements. This conflict stems nervousness with which the child during can not handle.
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We strive to:- Actively participate in family life;- Always take time to talk with your child;- Be interested in the problems of the child, to delve into all the emerging complexity in her life and help develop their skills and talents;- Do not put pressure on the child, helping her thus to make decisions;- Have an understanding of the different stages in the life of a child;- Respect the child's right to their own opinion;- Be able to restrain possessive instincts and treat the child as an equal partner, who just so far has less life experience;