Сценарій до Дня подяки

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Сценарій до Дня подяки для учнів 3- 6 класів. Можна використовувати як позакласний захід. Містить ігри.
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 святкового ранку  для учнів 3-5 класів

“Thanksgiving Day”




Мета : ознайомлення з країнознавчим матеріалом;узагальнення знань з тем «Сім’я», «Тварини», «Свята» «Їжа», «Пори року»,набуття мовленнєвих навичок(розвиток діалогічного та монологічного мовлення,навичок аудіювання), збагачення словникового запасу;

розвиток творчих здібностей;

підвищення мотивації вивчення мови;

виховання почуття поваги до рідних.

Обладнання: мультимедійний комплекс,костюми,квіти,реквізит,святкові прикраси для зали,пригощення.  

Хід заходу.

Вступне слово вчителя.


Ведучий 1 : Today is Thanksgiving Day. It is American national holiday. It is very famous and popular.

Ведучий 2 :  To begin with we would lije to tell you a few words from the history of this holiday.

Учень 1: In 1620 on the 22 nd of December the ship named the Mayflower brought 102 Englishmen to the coast of that is now known as Massachusetts, one of the fifty states in the USA.

Учень 2:The passengers were the Puritans, members of unpopular religious group in Britain because they wanted to reform the church of Britain.

Виходять учні в костюмах Пілігрімів.

Пілігрім 1 : We are Puritans. We became Pilgrims because we were travelling in search of religious freedom.

Пілігрім 2 : We came to America, a new land for us. Here we met Indians,native Americans.

Пілігрім 3 :We founded the colony Plymouth. The first winter was very cold and severe.

Indians helped us.

Пілігрім 4 : They showed us how to hunt, fish and plant crops. Thanks to the help of Indians the Pilgrims gathered good harvest next year.

Пілігрім 1 : In October 1621 they had a three-day feastof deer?fish and wild turkeyand invited Indians to it.

Виходять учні в костюмах індійців.

Індієь1: The first Thanksgiving Day was a great success! The Indians taught the Pilgrims to hunt wild turkey, a bird the Pilgrims never saw before.

A turkey is a funny bird,

His head goes wobble,wobble.

He knows just one funny word-

Gobble, gobble, gobble.

Індієь 2:Later President Lincoln established it as a national holiday.

Індієь1:Now every year all families with friends gather on the fourth Thursday of November and have a feast and give thanks.

Діти і актори виконують пісню ”Home on the range”.



Ведучий 1 : Thank you very much for such interesting information.

Ведучий 1 : Now we are going to have some interesting activities.

Game 1.

Bird, Beast or Fish

All players face the leading player. The leading player points to a player and says “Bird”, “Fish”, “Beast” and the player should name an animal from this category very quickly until all count to ten. The words mustn’t be repeated. The game finishes when all except the winner are out.

Catch the turkey

Children make a circle holding their hands up. “A turkey”or “turkeys”  move freely inside and outside the circle. All say the rhyme:

Hooray! Hooray!

Thanksgiving Day!

Turkey, turkey, run away!

We are cooking soup today!

At the end of the rhyme children put their hands down and catch “turkeys”.

Thanksgiving Memory Game.

Children are in the circle. The first player says the phrase: “At Thanksgiving dinner I ate a turkey.”The next player should repeat the phrase and add one more dish and so on. If a player is mistaken he is out.


The children are divided into 2 fishermen and 8-10 fish. The fishermen hold the net( a kerchief or cloth) and hold it up. “The fish” “swim” under the net.

All players say : Fish is tasty,

                            Fish is fat,

                            Fish is here

                            In my net.

At the end of the rhyme fishermen catch the fish.

Turkey Hunt

In the classroom the pictures with turkeys are hidden. Children are divided into two teams and go to hunt the turkeys. The hunt should be in the silence in order not to surprise the turkeys.Th team that gathered more pictures wins.

Діти співають пісню

“I eat turkey”

I eat turkey ( point to self)

I eat turkey ( point to self)

Yes, I do (nod head)

Yes, I do (nod head)

Turkey in my tummy (rub tummy)

Yummy, yummy, yummy (rub tummy)

Good for me (point to self)

Good for you (point to self)


Ведучий 2 : Our holiday comes to the end Thank you, all!Let’s say the word of the poem to finish our party.

Thank you, God, for  the world so sweet!

Thank you God for the food eat!

Thank you God for the birds that sing!

Thank You God for everything!

Ведучий 2 : We welcome you to our feast!

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