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Сценарій для позакласного заходу SPOOKTACULAR HALLOWEEN EVENT. В цьому заході можна задіяти творчих учнів 8 -11 класів
Перегляд файлу




NARRATOR 1: Hello dear witches, wizards, ghosts, monsters, skeletons, elves and everyone in this Hall. 


NARRATOR 2: Today is a special night in the fairy world where the line between our world and the fairies is so thin that we can meet and share sweet treats and even dance together in our Halloween Town!



На сцену виходить учениця, читає вірш "October" by John Updike.


The month is amber,

Gold and brown.

Blue ghosts of smoke

Float through the town. 

Great V's of geese 

Honk overhead, 

And maples turn 

A fiery red.

Frost bites the lawn,

The stars are slits

In a black cat's eye

Before she spits.

At last, small witches, 

Goblins, hags, 

And pirates armed 

With paper bags.

Their costumes hinged

On safety pins,

Go haunt a night

Of pumpkin grins.


The song and the dance “This is Halloween”


 На сцені з’являється відьмочка. Вона розповідає вірш The little witch:



Once long ago

In a wee small land

Lived a witch, her cat,

And a mouse.

They stayed together

And didn’t fight,

Though they lived

In a very small house.

Then cat was little,

The mouse was small.

But the teeny-tiny witch.

Was the littlest of all. 



Дівчинка кличе решту відьом. Вони з’являються на сцені і починається розмова між ними.


Witch 1: Look out little witch! Look out!

Witch 2 : The famous witches are here! They’ve all come back.

Witch 1: We are witches!

Witch 2: We are the greatest witches in the world!

Witch 3: We have special power on this night!

Witch 4: We laugh at all sorts of mischief! Sickness! Bad luck! Storm! Ruined crops!

Witch 5 : I am the famous Black Witch! I use magic to see into the future!

Witch 4 : I may change a beautiful girl into a snake.

Witch 3 : And I may change a handsome boy into a frog.

Witch 5 : Sometimes we cook our magic brews in such big black pots.


The witches are going to cook під пісню « Буде тобі враже…»


На сцену виходять дві чорні кішки.

Black cat 1: I’m afraid I have bad news – the famous Queen of  Halloween is disappeared.

Witch 1: What? Who are you?


 Black cat 2: We are the Queen`s black cats. Some people are afraid of black cats and do not want a black cat to cross their path. But not our beautiful Queen. She loves us so much!

Black cat 1: You know, without the Queen of Halloween there can be no this special eve in the Town of Halloween!

Witch 2: Perhaps we could find a way to help you! Let`s follow this path – it will take us to the Witcher. He is so smart and handsome and he usually knows what to do.

The cats : There is the light that guides you! Good luck our wise travellers!

На сцені з’являється Джек з друзями під свою пісню. А потім Відьмак зі своєю компанією. Битва Відьмака з Джеком під музику після розмови.

Jack: Hello! My name is Jack and here is my lantern made from a pumpkin. As you see, I've cut out slits for two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and put a lighted candle inside. I used to play practical jokes on the devil and I'm punished for it. No one can catch me! No one! And look at what magic I have! The Queen of Halloween is frozen now and you don`t know where she is…

Jack`s friend: They think that they can catch and stop us! But we are the best villains in the world! Ha-ha-ha…

The Witcher: That is Jack – I’m sure of it!

Friend 1: Oh, I remember Jack from last year. I wish he would just stay in his pumpkin and not go around spoiling all the fun.

Jack`s friend: But it is the way of the will-o-wisp – he will never be tame. He must hide and surprise!

The Witcher: Hi Jack! I am The Witcher – the best beast hunter! Where is the Queen ?

Jack: Queen of Halloween? I don`t know)))


Джек тікає, а відьми неочікувано з’являються.

Friend 3: Oh! Hello! We are surrounded…. We did not see you! What are you doing here? What brings you to these woods on such a sad night? Trying to steal some fairy magic are you?

Witch 1: No sweets for us. No cakes, no cookies! No dancing, no merriment and no fun. We’ll have to wait until next year.

Witch 2: It’s sad, sad, sad. The Queen of Halloween is disappeared. Help us, please.

The Witcher: Let me see – the witches and the travellers. Be warned: Jack has been freezing the poor Queen in the forest - and he might freeze you! And you will all spend the night in the forest as frozen stones! But you look like a very brave band. I see that you are ready for adventures. So, I can help you. But first of all you need to pay.

The song “Toss a coin to your witcher” під гітару.

NARRATOR 1: So, let`s start the Halloween challenges. The first one is Mummy Wrap. We need 6 volunteers. When the timer starts, each team uses the toilet paper roll and wraps the toilet paper around a participant, turning them into a mummy.

Конкурс проводиться на сцені.

NARRATOR 2: Look! Jack is here. Be careful!

NARRATOR 2: Because of Jack many people carve happy and funny faces. They place the pumpkins in the windows or on the doorsteps. The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry baskets and bags. They go from house and knock on the door. They sing “Trick or treat! Trick or treat”, meaning “Give us a treat or we’ll play a trick on your”. People give the children sweets, cookies and apples.

На сцені з’являються діти та розігрують номер “Trick or treat!”

NARRATOR 1: Well, we need to unfreeze the Queen of Halloween. May be Harry can help us?


NARRATOR 2: Harry Potter!

Німецькою заклинання Гаррі говорить

NARRATOR 2: It didn`t help. May be a dance and a poem.

Дівчата танцюють танець.


NARRATOR 1: It didn`t help. Let`s sing her a magic song.

Пісню співає Жора і Королева виходить на сцену.

The Queen of Halloween: Oh, dear travellers you’ve saved me. Thanks. Is it still Halloween? Wonderful! Then there will be dancing and singing and different festivities! Be my guests.  

Гості (всі учасники) в костюмах заходять до королеви під музику, демонструючи своє вбрання.


Ведучий говорить: Дякуємо ЗСУ за те, що захищають нас і  що сьогодні ми маємо можливість зібратись в цій залі.

Пісня  українською та англійською мовою «Шлях до перемоги» співають всі учасники виступу на сцені.

The End!








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Англійська мова, Сценарії
28 березня
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