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Нестандартний урок англійської мови ,

проведений у 6 класі за підручником А. Несвіт

WE LEARN ENGLISHучителем Грем'яцької ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів

Івченко-Чехолкою Ю.В.

Перегляд файлу



 In the Intellectual Café 


Нестандартний урок англійської мови ,

проведений у 6 класі за підручником А. Несвіт

WE LEARN ENGLISH  учителем Грем’яцької ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів

Івченко-Чехолкою Ю.В.



Цілі уроку: повторити раніше вивчену по темі лексику і закріпити нововведену, розвивати навики всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності учнів; розвивати творчі здібності учнів,  прагнення до самовдосконалення і вміння самореалізуватися; розвивати увагу, пам'ять, спостережливість, мислення; виховувати гігієнічні навики, вміння поводити себе в кафе, прагнення вести здоровий спосіб життя і правильно харчуватися.

Обладнання. Картки зі словами і виразами по темі для повторення;  плакат “CUSTOMERS SERVICE AREA” , меню, попередження , картки з написами назви кафе, теми, девізу, а також для роботи з окремими видами діяльності на уроці “Snake”, “Scrambled Dialogue”, текст для кожного учня “Believe It Or Not”, матеріали для гри «Світлофор», картини з наборами їжі для здорового харчування, саморобна книга “Table Manners”, скатертини, вази з квітами, набори фруктів і овочів, куплених продуктів харчування;  корзина, мікрофон, магнітофонні записи, сигнальні картки, скотч, стікери,, атрибути сюжетно-рольової гри, підручник Алли Несвіт WE LEARN ENGLISH, 6 FORM.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Форма проведення уроку: Role PlayIn the Intellectual Café Mr. Eater



I. Greeting.

  • Good morning! Glad to see you at the English lesson. (Glad to see you too.)
  • How are you? (Fine, thanks. What about you?)
  • I’m superb. Do you know why I’m in a good mood? (No. )

II. Aims.

  • Because I know that the topic of our lesson is “Drinks And Food” and I have a great surprise for you.
  • Share it, please.
  • OK! The motto of our lesson is EAT THE RIGHT FOOD. By the end of the lesson you’ll improve your skills in listening, speaking and reading and extend active and passive knowledge of vocabulary. You should be able to order meals if you are eating out, to have a great piece of creative work, a great fun and pleasure and a surprise, of course.  It’ll help you to acquire a command of a spoken   language. Are you ready to get such a lesson?
  • Yes, we are.

III. Mind map.

Teacher. OK! I need an assistant. Who wants to help me? Answer my questions and make mind map. What kinds of meals do you know? When  and where do you usually have meals?

              in a cafe                                                    

 at home                    in a restaurant                 breakfast  time                            lunch 



in a pub             

          in a canteen   in a bar                                                                 supper 


                    national                                                      traditional

                festival                                                                 vegetarian


                        ritual                                                                    daily                                          

                                               family                         special


III. Reading.

Teacher. Open your textbooks page 60. Read the text  - exercise 2  Eat the Right Food, then match the parts of the sentences on the blackboard and say why it is important to eat the right food.


1.Bread  meat cheese sugar                 a) makes your bones and teeth strong

2.Meat, milk, fish                                b) have got a lot of vitamins

3.Vegetables, eggs, cornflakes            c) help you to grow

4.Vegetables, fruit                               d) make you strong and give you energy


 Key:  1d, 2c, 3a, 4b.                                             

Teacher. Well done! What about idea of going to the intellectual café Mr. Eater?

Pupils. Oh, yes! Great! Let’s go!


IV. Group Work. Traffic Light Diet (Revision)

Teacher. Traffic is too difficult and dangerous so you have to be careful and attentive. Go on  in groups. Match the parts of the words or word-combinations and make up your colour of traffic light diet.

Group 1 – red – stop and think (these foods have a lot of fat or sugars or salt)    

        must -, - cream,  mayon -, choc-,  - naise, - food, ket -, spi -, - cakes, - ces,   

        pan -, - ard, ice -,  cri -, - olate, - sps, fried - , - chup,

Group 2 – yellow – go carefully

bis - , baked -, - zza, - urgers, pi -, - aroni, - ese soft -,  - beans, lem -, mac- , - 

onade,  spagh-, - etti,  - cuits, hamb - , che -, -drinks 

Group 3 – green – go right ahead 

         Cer -, - idge, porr -, -  ables, chi-, veget -, corn -, ju -, mineral -, - it, - urt, fru-,

          - ice ,- eals, - cken  - water, yogh -,  - flakes.

The captains or representatives of the groups make up the traffic light diet on the blackboard.

Teacher. Do your traffic light diet on the blackboard. You are good pupils!


                                   ketchup                                 crisps

 ice cream




                          chocolate                                                     fried food

                                  hamburgers                               pizza                                                                                                                                              


                        biscuits                                                   soft drinks 

                                                                                   baked beans

                           lemonade                                      cheese      

                                        macaroni  fruit


                            cereals                                                porridge


                             vegetables                                        chicken

                                        yoghurt                          cornflakes

                                                       mineral water                                                      


V. Role play “In the café Mr. Eater” .

     Teacher. What a lot of customers! Glad to see you. I’m a manager. I wish you creative pleasure appetite and add that our guests will be our jury. Follow please quality and count intellect calories in our cafes courses are delicious and mainly useful. You don’t spoil your figure but makes your mind work and create better. You’ll get intellect calories as more as you eat.

 Barman. Welcome to our intellectual café Mr. Eater.  ( Group I   go out, then come in)

1. Dialogue.

Waiter: Good morning! How many are you?

Customer: We are five.

W:   Would you like a table by the window?

C:    Yes, please, but do not close to the entrance.

W:   This way, please. (The waiter shows the way to the table) Would you like anything to drink?

C: Yes, please.

W: Here're the menus.

2. Reading the menu. (Two pupils and are standing at the blackboard near the customer’s area                                                                                                                             and reading )  Customer1 :              M E N U

  1.       Starter  Snake Right Food
  2.       Drink   Scrambled Dialogue
  3.       Cocktail   Musical Relaxation
  4.       Salad    Eaten Bingo
  5.       The main firm course Believe It or Not
  6.       The second course Always, Sometimes, Never            
  7.       Dessert. Cake   Image with Interviewing
  8.       Ice-cream   Corrector

 Costumers : Attention!   Tipping:

  10 %15 % of the check for full meals if service is not already included.   

      Don't pay twice for the service: you should add 1015 per cent only if there's a stamped "Service not included" in the menu or at the bottom of the bill. A small token is added if you're just having coffee or tea.

Manager.  I think it’s high time to review your knowledge of table manners.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Do you always follow the rules?
  • What is the first rule before you having  meals?

Pupils.       -    Wash your hands before meals.

  • Wash fruit and vegetables before eating.
  • Eat fresh food.
  • Eat the right food.

Manager. OK! And what about table manners?

3.                                         Table Manners

  1. You must sit up straight at the table.
  2. You must eat with a knife and a fork.
  3. You mustn't eat with your fingers.
  4. You mustn't lick   your fingers.
  5. You must put your dirty knife, spoon and fork on your plate after finishing to eat.  
  6. You mustn't put your elbows on the table.  It is not polite.
  7. You mustn't talk   with your mouth full.
  8. You should say "Thank you" after the meal.

Barman. Select some food and drinks from our menu.

4. Game “Selections the Menu”

(Pupils pass each other the menu around listening to  the tape recorder.  When the texts are interrupted the pupils having the menu answer – Yes or No)

(Key: “Yes” – 3, 4, 6. “No” – 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10).

  1. It is useful to eat too much sweets and cakes.
  2. It’s necessary to have meals 16 times a day.
  3. You have to eat the right and fresh food which help you to grow.
  4. You must eat different kinds of food  such as fish, meat, milk to help your body to keep fit and to be strong and healthy.
  5. It’s useful for you to eat only macaronis.
  6. You must eat vegetables and fruit because they have got a lot of vitamins.
  7. It’s necessary to drink coffee 3 times a day.
  8. You mustn’t have breakfast before school.
  9. It’s useful to eat crisps every day because they have got a lot of vitamins.
  10. It’s necessary to eat too much before going to bed.

5. Starter. Game “Snake”.  Find the names of fruit and vegetables and write them down.








6. Drink Scrambled Dialogue . There is one dialogue hidden in the four sentences which have been scrambled. Make up a dialogue, then practice it with your partner.

Group 1. (B, D, A, C)

A.   You don't mean to say it's not tasty, do you?

B.    Help yourself to some more salad.

C.   By no means, Liz! I enjoyed it very much.

D.   I don't think I'll have any more, thank you.

Group 2. (B, A, D, C)

A.   Let's take some salad, soup, fish with boiled potatoes.

B.   What shall we have for dinner?

C.   I think a glass of apple juice will be just the thing for dessert.

D.   And what about the sweet?

Group 3. (B, D, C, A)

A.   Don't you know yourself? At dinner break.

B.   When do you usually have your dinner, Max?

C.   No, I mean here, at work.

D.   Well, that depends. At home I have it at six.

Barman. Order your food and drink.

7. Situational Dialogues. Group → Waiter

 Waiter: Now, are you ready to order?  Customer: I think we are.

  1. Waiter: What would you like to have for starters?

      Customers: I'd like to have green salad, please. The same for me.

     Waiter: What would you like to start with?

     Customers: I'll start with the melon. I think I'll start with soup.

  1. Customer: I'm at a loss. I don't know what to order. Could you recommend something to       


           Waiter: Yes, certainly. Do you like sea-food? Why not start with the shrimp  cocktail then?                                     

           C:     It's fine with me. And what's "the soup of the day"?

           W:    It's onion soup: onions, chicken broth with melted cheese.

           C:    Sounds good.

           W:     It tastes good too.

c)  Waiter: What would you like to have for the main course?

    Customer:  I'll have steak and new potatoes.

d) Waiter: Do you want any sweet?

   1st Customer:    A cup of coffee and cheese to finish with, please.

   Waiter: How about pudding?

  2nd  Customer: Chocolate pudding for me. Please.

  1. Waiter: Are you ready to order your drinks?

1st Customer: A glass of mineral water for me, please.

     2nd Customer:    An orange juice, please.


8. Cocktail   Musical Relaxation.

Barman. It’s high time for relaxation. Do you know What Are Little Boys And Girls Made of? Let’s sing and dance together.

What are little boys made of? 

What  are little boys made of?

Frogs and snails and puppy dog’s tails

That’s what  little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of? 

What are little girls made of? 

Sugar and spice and all think nice

That’s what  little girls are made of.

  1. Salad Eaten Bingo

      Write down 5 of your favourite drinks or food.. Listen to the tape recorder. If you hear yours, tick it. When you have finished, shout “Bingo”.

Beetroot soup  onion  broth   pastry  cabbage  pie  cake  porridge  ice cream chips  carrots  potatoes rice soup  curds  roll ham sausages tomatoes semolina meat macaroni …          

10. Reading. The main firm course  BELIEVE IT OR NOT? 

Read the information below, then agree or disagree.

Use your cards (green – agree, red -  disagree). Waiters:

1)  Over five million kilograms of crisps are eaten in Britain every week.

2) People in Britain are buying 20 % less food from supermarkets today than they did ten years ago.

3)  The British spend about 1,26 billion pounds a year on hamburgers, double what they spend on medicines.

4)  There are more Chinese take-aways than there are fish and chip shops in the UK.

5)  The biggest owner of pubs in Britain is a Japanese bank.

6)  One of the most successful food programmes on TV recently was called "Two Fat Ladies". It celebrated some of the richest, heaviest, fattiest foods in British and world cooking.

7)  In 1997, a frozen food company started selling chocolate-flavoured carrots and pizza-flavoured sweet corn to encourage children to eat fresh vegetables.

8)  Just over half the restaurants in Britain are fast food outlets or takeaways.


Key. Believe It or Not?  Listen and say which of the following statements are true.

         Check your answers with the key.

1)  True. Other figures concerning the national passion for potato crisps are:

5kg per person per year = 293 mln kg total consumption per year = 0,8 mln kg per day = 556 kg per minute. 2)  False. Supermarkets have more than doubled their share of food sales in the past ten years. 3)  False. 1,26 billion pounds is spent on hamburgers, but this is less than half of what is spent on medicines. 4)  True. 5)  True. Nomura Bank owns 3,998 British pubs (March 1998 figure).

6)  True. 7)  True. The company is "Iceland". 8)  True. 52 % are fast-food/takeaway restaurants (1996 figures). 9)  False. The true figure is less than once a month.


11. The second course. Game Always, Sometimes, Never

Waiter take full of food and drinks basket and give them to the pupils. Pupils show their friends and recommend it according to the structures:

You can always eat (drink)… ( apples, bananas, tomatoes, oranges, mineral water…)

You can eat (drink)… (sweets, chocolate, coffee, sour cream , …) sometimes.

 Never eat (drink)… ( vinegar, oil, washing powder, soda, …).

Customers: Could I pay now, please. Could I have the bill, please. The bill, please.

Waiter: Here's your bill, please. Here you are, sir. Here it is, sir.


VI. Homework (The Bill ) : Write down a summary  and learn  by heart on topic Eat the right food          

Barman. Dear customers! Our time is nearly up and the jury counts your last calories. We know that tastes differ. Will you be so kind to leave us your proposals to make our service better? And we’ll do it!

Game “Snowman”  (P1 P2  P3 …)

      I like mushrooms. I like mushrooms and beans. I like mushrooms, beans  and apples. I like mushrooms, apples and tomatoes, but I don’t like beans.  I like apples, mushrooms, tomatoes, fried potatoes and fish but I don’t like beans and coffee…

VII. Summarizing.

1.  Dessert. Cake   Image with Interviewing

     Good morning! My name is Victoria. I’m a correspondent from our school wall newspaper.  

  • Do you like our intellectual café Mr. Eater?
  • What do you like to eat?
  • What about you?  And you?

Customer 1. Yes, of course. It was comfortable and healthy. The menu was so interesting. I visit it because I remember the proverb “Good health is above wealth”.

Customer 2. I like to eat tasty things, of course, but I know that our diet must contain all the things we need, such as vitamins and minerals. That’s why I try to keep a healthy diet. I eat fruit, vegetables and dairy products every day.

Customer 3. Too much meal today. But the café was fantastic! Different kinds of food help our body to keep fit and to be strong and healthy. The service was wonderful. I like the barman and waiters. I like the lesson.

Customer 4. I like to eat fruit and vegetables. Eat the right food but don’t have too much meals before going to bed. Don’t eat lots of sweets. Don’t smoke! Don’t drink alcohol. Go in for sports.

2. Ice cream Corrector

Barman. I want to add. It’s great to have such a tasty English lesson. I like English very much. Eat vegetables and fruit and they’ll do you very good.  Your can leave your thoughts in our intellectual Café customer’s Area or in our register book of suggestions. Do it please.

Teacher. Draw your face on the sticker cards on your desks and stick it on the blackboard in our Customer’s Service Area. Thank you for your preparations for the lesson. Your marks are the following… (Jury).  Welcome to our intellectual café Mr. Eater and eat the right food!



1. Alla Nesvit WE LEARN ENGLISH : Підручники для 6, 5, 4 кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл.   

    Київ: «Генеза».

2. Пащенко А. В. Англійська мова. Дидактична мозаїка. 10 клас .-  Харків:

    Веста: Видавництво  «Ранок», 2003.   


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