Урок для учнів 5 класу "Healthy food is very important"

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Урок для 5 класу по темі Food із залученням відеоматеріалів та застосунку Learning apps
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Конотопська спеціалізована школа І-ІІІ ступенів №9 Сумської області











Healthy food is very important









                                                          Урок учителя англійської мови

                                                          Хоменко Тетяни Федорівни

















Aims of the lesson :  

                                    -   revise  the words on the topic

  • develop listening and speaking skills
  • develop skills of teamwork

Aids:  white board, worksheets, videos


    1.Greeting and aim

Hello, everybody! How are you today? I see you are in a good mood. Am I right?   Let’s start our lesson.

T: Do you know what our mood depends on?


Ps: It depends on:                                  -      the weather

  •  school marks
  •  seasons
  • Friends
  •  our meals

T: Of course, you are right. All of us like tasty food.

 Look at the blackboard. There is a sentence here. But all the words in it are written together. Try to divide these words and read this sentence.


Healthyfoodisveryimportant ( healthy food is very important)


Let’s listen to the song about healthy food




Let’s see at two last phrases from the song


  • Healthy food will make you smile
  • Junk food’s fine only once in a while

Do you agree with these words? So I think we have to speak about it at our lesson today.

So, what are we planning to do today?

I think we have to revise - the words on the topic. We already know a lot of them

We will work in groups to decide what are healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And the last but not less important what our lunchboxes should be like.

  • Do you agree with this plan?
  1. Warm up

But first, let's review Classroom Rules. They will help us in our work.


 Be  a good listener.

Don’t keep the silence and speak clearly

Listen to the teacher and other students, cooperate with them

One person talk at a time

Be kind to others.

Do your best and work hard.


So, let’s start our lesson.

Look at the strange man on the picture.

  • What fruit and vegetables can you see?
  •  Are all of them good for our health?
  1. What food do you know?

Learning apps

Healthy food         https://learningapps.org/11152732    

Matching             https://learningapps.org/5257542


My favourite food   https://learningapps.org/10666774   


           I like/I don’t like  https://learningapps.org/11326991


  1. The main part

Tell me please

  • What do you eat in the morning?
  • What do you eat for lunch?
  • What do you eat in the evening?

Group work.     Now our task is to decide what health breakfast, lunch and dinner like.

We are going to work in three groups the first - for breakfast

                                                             the second – for lunch

                                                             the third – for dinner

Watch the video, try to repeat all the words and decide what food is better to have for different meals


Now it’s time to present your work

What is your idea about the work of your classmates?

That was a great work!

Project work

  • What do you usually have for lunch at school?
  •  And what do you think about lunchboxes?
  • Do you sometimes take lunchbox to school?
  • What do you usually have there?

Let’s train (Learning apps)

What put into the lunchbox? https://learningapps.org/6910253



So, you are completely aware about healthy lunchbox

Working in groups use your ideas for packing a healthy lunchbox. It will be a competition for the best lunch box.


Present your work and we all will see your ideas about the best lunch box.

  1. Feedback.

Let’s see if we did everything today


What about food words – what new words did you hear today at the lesson?


Finish the sentences


I have learnt _______________ about healthy breakfast.  

Now I can _____________________          




8 січня 2022
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