Урок "Кольори моїх улюблених іграшок"

Про матеріал

У поданому матеріалі використано інтерактивні форми роботи для уроків англійської мови початкової школи. Запропоновані вправи сприяють розвитку пізнавальних здібностей, критичного мислення учнів.

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Урок у 1-і класі на тему « Кольори »

У поданому матеріалі використано інтерактивні форми роботи для  уроків англійської мови  початкової школи. Запропоновані вправи сприяють розвитку пізнавальних здібностей,  критичного мислення учнів.

Підготувала : вчитель Сватківської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. Сіренко М. М.


The aim: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to tell the colours in English, use       them in word combinations, sentences and questions.

The objectives:   - present new vocabulary “colours”, revise toys.

-distinguish the meanings of the words

-apply the words in word combinations, using the structures “ Is it…?”, “ I have got…”

-motivate pupils to study English ;

- develop skills of memory, collaboration, critical thinking, cognitive skills

-  bring up respectful attitude to classmates.

The equipment: multimedia system, a paper toy of Fox, flashcards, paper basket

The procedure of the lesson

I. The introductory part.

1. Greeting: Students are standing in a circle and sing Hello song https://youtu.be/03XgDWozJOw

2.Introducing the tasks of the lesson:

Teacher: Look, this is the Fox. (The teacher shows a paper fox.) She has got interesting tasks for you. If you do them, you will get a nice present in the end of the lesson.

3. Warming up

The students move around the classroom under the music. Their task is to find a partner with the same flashcard. When music stops, the students stand with their partners and name the toy on the flashcard.








ІІ. The main part

Introducing the vocabulary Colours.

Work with flashcards.

The teacher shows flashcards with the same toy but in different colours.

Firstly the pupils name the toy ( For example “ A ball”) .

Then the pupils watch and listen to the word-combination of  this toy but with different colours. Pupils repeat the word combinations after the teacher in different voices ( angry, sad, happy, loudly, quiet…)

Exercise “ Choose the right colour”.

Teacher: This is a magic box. You can see  balloons there. What colour are they?

But somebody stole a balloon( The teacher hides one of the balloons) Which balloon is missing? Well done, children!

Then students  watch flashcards with different toys and different colours. They answer the questions “ Which toy is blue?” “ Which toy is red?”….


Exercise “ Guess the colour”

Pupils are divided into groups. The leaders of every group have flashcards with different colours sticked to their backs. They don’t see the colours , but try to guess, using the structure “Is it ….?” They get smiles for every correct word.

Game ”Simon says”: The students can do the commands only if they hear the words “Simon says”

Pupils sit on the carpet in a circle. The teacher gives every pupil a flashcard with a colour of a rainbow. The task is : Listen to the song “ I can sing a rainbow” https://youtu.be/VqRBxO2GDFA and stand up and make a step when you hear your colour.

Work in group of three. Draw a balloon and paint it green(yellow, red, blue). Then Pupils say what balloons they have in the structure “I have got a …..”




ІІІ. Summary. Reflection.

Teacher:You can see a basket on the blackboard. You can fill it with magic balloons. Take a balloon on your desks , stick it on the basket and say the colour of the balloon. For example: This is a red balloon.

So, this is your present from the Fox.

Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
2 липня 2018
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