Урок на тему Професії

Про матеріал

Данний урок был проведен в санаторной школе-интернат, І-ІІ ступеней. Т.к. 9 класс в нашей школе выпускной класс, я посчитала,что для учащихся эта тема урока очень актуальна!

Перегляд файлу

План-конспект відкритого  уроку у 9-му класі

з теми: «My Future Profession»


Ціль уроку: расширення знань учнів о сучасних професіях та найбільш цінних професійних якостей людини.

Задачи уроку:

  1. Удосконалення лексичних одиниць.
  2. Активизація навичок діалогічної мови.
  3. Контроль навичок читання з метою розуміння головної ідеї зміста тексту.

Обладнення: комп`ютер, екран для  презентації, мультімедійна презентація, раздатковий матеріал (картки з завданням), жетони, підручник.

Хід уроку:

1.Організаційний момент.

Teacher: Good morning, my dear friends.

I’m glad to see you.

How are you? I think everything is all right. Sit down, please.

2. Фонетична зарядка: слайд 1,

Teacher: read the words to their transcription:

['æktə] / ['æktrıs]










3.Речева розмінка.

Teacher: Nice to see you, Kristina. How are you? (I аm fine, thank уоu. How are you?).

Teacher: I am fine, too. And what about you, Liza? How are you? (I аm fine, thank you).

Teacher: I am glad to hear that. The weather is nice today, isn't it? (Oh, yes. I agree with you. It is cool).

Teacher: Andrei, I’d like to ask you а question. (You are welcome. What would you like to ask mе about?).

Teacher: Have you chosen your future profession? (Yes, I have. I аm going to be а dentist).

Teacher: Why have you chosen this profession? (Му mother is а dentist. She likes to work with children. I think it is а noble profession).

Teacher: Alexei, do you want to be а journalist? (No, I don 't. I don't want to be а journalist.).

Teacher: Are you going to be а vet? (Yes, I am. I think it is а good profession. I like to help animals.)

Teacher: Alina, do you like to look after people? (Yes, I do. I am ready to help other people).

Teacher: Alina, are you practical? (Yes, I am).

Teacher: Why do you think so? Etc.

Учитель в быстром темпе задает вопросы и побуждает учащихся отвечать на них.

Teacher: Thank you very much for your answers.

4.Отработка лексики по теме: Профессии.

Teacher: Today we shall speak about professions in modern world and about skills for different jobs.  

4.1.Teacher: Please, answer my questions: слайд 2

- Name different professions, please.

- What skills are necessary for different jobs?

4.2.Teacher: The next task for you is to complete the sentences with the words on the cards. You will have 10 sentences and 5 minutes to complete them with the following words.

(Учні отримуют завдання на карточці, яке виконуется їми у продовж 5 хвилин. Учні повинні подставити слова у речення. При перевірці данного завдання учні по черзі зачитуют речення й перекладають їх. У деяких реченнях може бути два і більше вариантів відповідей).

Зразок завдання на карточці:

Complete the sentences with the following words: successful, occupation, career, creative, architect, vet, responsible, noble, prestige ous, librarian, fireman.

1. А profession of photographer is very ....

2. My sister says that teaching is а ... profession.

3. We have always thought that any job in the hospital is ....

4. Careers of computer programmer are very ... nowadays.

5. My cousin wants to be an ....

6. Will you write your ... on this form?

7. А ... is а person who works in the library and helps people to choose books and magazines to read.

8. I am sure that the profession of а ... is rather dangerous.

9. His ... as а driver came to an end after а bad road accident.

10. I am going to be а ... because I like animals and birds.


1) creative; 2) noble; 3) responsible; 4) successful; 5) architect;

6) occupation; 7) librarian; 8) fireman; 9) career; 10) vet.

4.3. Гра «Назови професію». 

Teacher: Do you like to play? Listen to me carefully and nаmе the profession. If you guess more professions than other pupils you will win. Are you ready to start? Give names to the description of the jobs.

(Учні прослуховують загадки учителя й називають професію. За кожну правельну відповьдь учень отриміє один жетон. На прикінці гри учені рахують отриманні жетони).



Загадки для учнів: слайди 3-6

1. А person whose job is to work with electricity. (An electrician.)

2. А person who owns а travel agency or works there and whose business is to arrange travels. (А travel agent.)

3. А person who makes and sells medicines. (А chemist.)

4. А person who prepares or organizes the process of issuing а newspaper, а periodical or books. (An editor)

5. А person who helps people with the law or talk for them in а court. (А lawyer)

6. А person who works at school and whose job is to teach children. (А teacher)

7. А person trained to look after sick animals. (А veterinarian.)

8. А person who welcomes people arriving at а hotel, at а place of business, or people visiting а doctor. (А receptionist.)

9. А person who works to improve bad social conditions and help people in need. (А social worker)

10. А person who work in а hospital and helps doctors. (А пиrsе.)

11. А person who can repair the pipes in the bathroom. (А plumber)

12.А person who makes а plan of а house you are going to build. (An architect.)

13.А person who can repair your broken wooden things. (А carpenter.)

14.А person who works in а shop and helps the customers to find what they want. (А shop assistant)

15.А person who types papers and helps the boss. (А secretary)

16. А person who cuts, washes and styles people's hair, especially women's hair. (А hairdresser)

17. А person who takes pictures. (А photographer)

18. А person who mends or pulls out bad teeth. (А dentist.)

19.A person whose job is to stop а fire. (А fireтап.) 

Hands apart, my hands up, clap

Hands down, my hands on hips

Bend left, bend right

Go, fly, climb, and swim.

Look around, look up, look down, look to the left, look to the right

Blink quickly, close your eyes, open your eyes and look to the distance.

6. Робота з підручником. Виконання впр.1 стор.128 (читання й відповіді на питання).

7. Заключний етап уроку.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Thanks a lot for your hard work. I hope you have learned some useful information about professions in modern world. I wish you to be successful every day. Be great! Today you have following marks…


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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
15 березня 2020
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