Урок "Світ професій. Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення"

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Урок наповнений інеракивними вправами "Рооа в парах" а "Рооа в групах" "Мозкова атака""Мікрофон" "Інерв'ю"
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Form 4C

Theme: Світ професій. Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення.

Objectives: to intensify and improve all kinds of speech in the students: reading, writing, listening and speaking, fixing the vocabulary of the subject; improve oral and speech skills of students; widen students’ outlook within the topic; to develop students’ ability to perform speech activity, to develop interactive work, to enrich the content of the main educational goal; to develop a linguistic guess; to involve students in communicative forms of activity in the classroom: work in pairs, groups, develop thinking and ability to communicate with each other; to educate a positive attitude towards a foreign language, to teach students to be attentive, organized and active.


1. Warming up!

Teacher: Good morning, dear students!

Pupils all together:

Good morning,

Good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning,

Good morning

We are glad to see you!

Teacher: I am glad to see you too! Sit down please!

Let us begin our lesson. Show me your books (pens, copy-books), please.

Now I can see that you are ready for the lesson.

Pupils, answer please:

What season is it now? (winter)

What month is it now? (December)

What date is it today? (Today is the _____________)

Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

2. Motivation

Teacher: Listen and repeat the tongue-twister :

Three men in a tub:

The butcher, the baker,

The candlestick maker.

We have known some new professions from this tongue – twister. The theme of our lesson is “Professions”.

3. The Presentation of vocabulary.

3.1. Work with talking flashcards “Jobs”.

The teacher plays on the video with words on the topic “Jobs”:

  •                   He is a cook.
  •                   She is a dentist.
  •                   He is a doctor.
  •                   He is a fire fighter.
  •                   He is pilot.
  •                   She is a bus driver.
  •                   She is a nurse.
  •                   He is a police officer.
  •                   He is a farmer.
  •                   She is a teacher.
  •                   She is a student.
  •                   He is a fisherman.

3.2. Class Brainstorms

Teacher: Let’s make up “A Map of Professions”.

Look, I have some letters from different people. I want to read these letters, and you’ll say what these people are.

  1. I like children very much. I like reading books and write on the blackboard too.

Who am I? (a teacher)

  1. I like children very much, but I do not like to write on the blackboard. I go to the hospital every day. Who am I? (a doctor)
  2. I like cars and buses. I like to travel very much. I can drive a car, a bus and a tram too. Who am I? (a bus driver)
  1. I like fruits and vegetables. Every day I go to the garden and water flowers there. What am I? (a farmer)

Teacher: You are very good pupils. And now tell me, please, what professions do you know else?










4. Physical activity break

Sing and do the actions to the song:

Hokey Pokey:

You put your right foot in,

You put your right foot out,

You put your right foot in

And you shake it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

And you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.


You put your left foot in,

You put your left foot out,

You put your left foot in,

And you shake it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

And you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.


You put your right hand in,

You put your right hand out,

You put your right hand in

And you shake it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

And you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.


You put your left hand in,

You put your left hand out,

You put your left hand in,

And you shake it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

And you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.


You put your right shoulder in,

You put your right shoulder out,

You put your right shoulder in,

And you shake it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

And you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.


You put your left shoulder in,

You put your left shoulder out,

You put your left shoulder in,

And you shake it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

And you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.


You put your right hip in,

You put your right hip out,

You put your right hip in

And you shake it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

And you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.


You put your left hip in,

You put your left hip out,

You put your left hip in,

And you shake it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

And you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.


You put your whole self in,

You put your whole self out,

You put your whole self in

And you shake it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

And you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.


5. Work in groups.

Teacher: At first we are going to divided into three groups. You have envelops on your desks. Open them and join a picture.






Bus driver













post office






the driver's cap


fruits and vegetables

fire truck

wheel float



5.1. Riddles

Teacher: Listen and guess a riddle of your group

In rain or snow, 

or sun or hail,

I walk to your homes

to deliver the mail.


I work at or near home.

I drive a tractor.

I grow vegetables.

I have animals in the field.


I wear a uniform.

I work in shifts.

People in trouble call me.

I put out fires.


The airplane controls perfect

When even clouds are in the sky

He smiles at heights

The bravest ...


The flour, salt and sugar are his friends,

He makes all sorts of bread,

He likes to bake, so

You can enjoy a tasty cake…


I'm in the car behind the wheel

Morning, evening and afternoon.

Here I turn on the motor

Hey, here is our …

(bus driver)


5.2. Work Places

Teacher: There are many places, where we can go every day.

You have got pictures. Choose the work place of your profession and make up sentences, like as in example:


I think, she/he works at/on school, because she/he is a teacher.







Bus driver

post office


fire truck





5.3. Clothes and tools

Teacher: Draw your profession (pay attention to the uniform and tools). Present your profession using the words from your team-cards. Start like this:

A pilot wears:

For work he/she needs:

(words bank:

5.4. Match the words with their definitions and make up sentences Teacher: Exercise 4, p. 45: Look and say (choose only your profession)

What do firefighters usually do?

We usually fight fires.

What do pilots usually do?

We usually fly airplanes.

What do bakers usually do?

We usually make bread.

What do farmers usually do?

We usually grow vegetables.

What do postmen usually do?

We usually deliver letters.

What do bus drivers usually do?

We usually drive a bus.

5.5.Speaking (dialogues): A game “Interview”

Teacher: You know many professions. I think, you can tell me, what profession is the most important and what you want to be. I think, the journalist will help us to do this. But, firstly, look at the list of professions and choose your favourite profession.

What do you want to be?

Interview your partner, like this:

Interview your partner

a teacher
a builder
a farmer
a gardener
a painter

a baker

a postman

a bus driver

a doctor

a fire fighter

to build houses
to work in the field
flowers and trees
to paint

cakes and cookies




help people

6. Summing up!

Game “Microphone”

Teacher: Take a microphone and say

  •         What have you known about your friends?
  •         What do they want to be?
  •         What do you want to be?

7. Home task: Ex. 1. p. 44 (to learn); Ex.4, p. 45 (in writing).

8. Conclusion

We have worked very hard today. We spoke, wrote, read and answered questions. I must say you are good pupils. Your marks are… Good-bye.



31 березня 2021
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