Приклад запитання: Прочитай уважно текст, по завершенню натисни на один з варіантів відповіді.Greenfield is a small village in England. It's not far from Manchester city. There are five buses to Manchester every day, but there is only one train. There are not many people on the train at five o'clock in the morning.The village is nice. The church is in the middle of the village on the square There are many other buildings in the square. There is a bank, a post office a bus station and a police station. The library is behind the police station. Then is a small river in Greenfield and there is a bridge across the river.There are two garages in front of the bridge. It's a small village, isn't it?There is no traffic, no noise, and no pollution.
Приклад запитання: Що це за визначення:Зміна зовнішнього вигляду таблиці чи окремих її клітинок: шрифту, кольору, накреслення символів; вирівнювання; кольору заливки, розмірів і меж клітинок тощо