Онлайн-тести для 7 класу


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Створити тест
Приклад запитання: IT and Art are Stella’s favourite subjects.
Зарубіжна література, 7 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: Під час Другої світової війни Джеймс Олдрідж був
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Приклад запитання: Fill in the appropriate modal verb: must/mustn’t/have to/has to/don’t have to : Visitors at the zoo __________ feed the animals. It is not allowed.
Українська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Дієприкметник
Приклад запитання: У якому рядку всі слова — дієприкметники?
Приклад запитання: Виберіть рядок, де вжито тільки дієприкметники
Математика, 7 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: Зведіть подібні члени многочлена х2 + 3х - х + 2х2 + 1 - 2
Приклад запитання: Над чим пролітали лебеді?
Німецька мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Sprechen 7.Klasse (I. Semester)
Приклад запитання: Wo feierst du dein Lieblingsfest?
Приклад запитання: Reading for form 7. Semester I.Read the text, choose the title and do the test.THE MAN WHO DIDN'T WASH HIS DISHES (after Phyllis Krasilovsky)There once was a man who lived alone in a little house in a small town. He always cooked his own dinner, cleaned the house by himself and made his own bed.One night he came home feeling very hungry, so he made a big dinner. He ate too much and was very tired after finishing. He decided to leave the dishes till the next night. But the next night he was TWICE' as hungry, so he cooked TWICE as big of a dinner, and it took TWICE as long to eat it, and he was TWICE as tired as he had been the day before. As the days passed by, he got hungrier and more tired, and there were so MANY dirty dishes that he started to pile them on the table.As soon as the table was full he started to put them on his bookshelves. As soon as THEY were full, started piling them on the floor for several days and soon he couldn't get into his house!One night he looked in his cupboard and found out that there wasn't any clean dish there. Soon he used up all his ashtrays³ and clean flowerpots, and his sweets dishes, and drank water from vases. He used up EVERYTHING, even the pots he cooked his food in, and the frying pan, and the kettle, and he didn't know what to do! He was SO unhappy. His whole house was full of dirty dishes, and dirty flowerpots, and dirty ashtrays, and dirty sweets dishes, and dirty pots, and a dirty soap dish, and a dirty frying pan, and a dirty kettle. He couldn't find his books or his clock, or even his BED any more! He couldn't sit down to think because even his chairs were piled with dishes, and he couldn't find the sink so he could wash them!But THE RAIN STARTED! And the man got an idea. He drove his big lorry around to the side of his house and piled all the dishes, and all the vases, and all the ashtrays, and pots, and a frying pan, and a kettle on it and drove the truck out into the rain.The rain fell ON EVERYTHING and soon the dishes were clean again. THE RAIN WASHED THEM! Then the man carried everything back into the house again. He put the dishes into the cupboard, the frying pan and the pots on the pot shelves, the ash trays on the tables, the flowerpots back where he found them, the vases where the vases go, the kettle on the gas cooker, and the soap dish in the bathroom. He was so tired after carrying everything back and putting it away that he decided, "I'd better always wash my dishes just as soon as I have finished my dinner." The next night when he came home, he cooked his dinner, finished to eat it, washed the dishes and put them right away. He did this every night after that, too. HE IS VERY HAPPY NOW. He can find his chairs, and he can find his clock, and he can find his BED. It is easy for him to get into his house, too, because there are no more dishes piled on the floor or anywhere! 
Приклад запитання: В оповіданні "Останній дюйм" автором НЕ було порушено проблеми:
Основи здоров’я, 7 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: Що означає цей дорожній знак? 
Приклад запитання: Обери форму нестатевого розмноження: 
Приклад запитання: Pizza has a long history. The ancient Greeks first had the idea of putting vegetables on large flat pieces of bread and pizza ovens have been found in the ruins of Roman cities.But for centuries one important ingredient was missing - the first tomatoes were brought to Europe only in the 16th century from South America. In the 19th century Rafaele Esposito, a baker from Naples, began to sell the first modern pizzas. He was asked to bake a special pizza for a visit by the Italian King and Queen in 1889, and so the first pizza Margarita was created, named after the Queen.Pizza became a favourite dish in Italy, but only after the Second World War, when thousands of American soldiers went home from Europe, pizza really became an international dish. Soon there were pizzerias all over the USA, and American chains like Pizza Hut, spread the idea around the world. Today the average American eats over 10 kilograms of pizza a year and the world's largest pizza (measuring 30 metres! across) was baked not in Italy but in Havana, Cuba!Put "true" next to the true sentences and "false" next to the false ones. 1. Today the average American eats over 10 kilograms of pizza a month.
Приклад запитання: Вирішальну роль у переломі подій у Столітній війні на користь Франції відіграла
Приклад запитання: Точка А лежить між точками В  і С (див. рисунок).  Знайдіть АС,  якщо АВ = 4см,  ВС = 10 см.  
Приклад запитання: За жанром роман Вальтера Скотта "Айвенго"-це?
Зарубіжна література, 7 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: За жанром роман Вальтера Скотта "Айвенго"-це?
Приклад запитання: Як називають у Південній Америці вологі екваторіальні ліси:
Основи здоров’я, 7 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: Діти якого віку є підлітками?
Приклад запитання: Точка А лежить між точками В  і С (див. рисунок).  Знайдіть АС,  якщо АВ = 4см,  ВС = 10 см.  
Приклад запитання: Речовини за складом поділяються на:
Приклад запитання: Першими почали заселяти Південну Америку
Приклад запитання: Таблиця - це...
Всесвітня історія, 7 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: Земля, яку одержував васал від сеньйора за службу
Приклад запитання: Закінчіть речення: «Пройденим шляхом називається...»
Приклад запитання: Найбільшими лихами Середніх віків були (три правильні відповіді) :