Онлайн-тести з англійської мови 5 клас


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Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: 1. Оберіть правильну відповідь: I … a computer.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: My day
Приклад запитання: Translate the word.одягатись
Приклад запитання: Read the text and for questions 1-12 choose the correct answer.About my familyDear Marta,I’m going to tell you about my family. I live with my little sister, mum, and dad. We live in London, although I grew up in Lancaster, a beautiful city in the North of England.My dad’s name is Pierre. He’s from France, and he speaks English and French. When he was young, my mother went to France on a student exchange, and they met there. A few years later, my dad moved ( переїхав) to England and married my mum. He works as a French teacher. He’s very tall –much taller than my mum– and athletic. He’s got short blonde hair and blue eyes.My mum’s name is Anna. She’s English. She’s quite short, and she’s got long curly brown hair and brown eyes. She works at a chemist’s opposite our home. She can speak French too!My sister Julia is 18 years old, and she’s got the same color of hair and eyes as my father. She loves playing the piano and dancing. She’s very talented, and she would like to be a professional musician.I’ve got short blonde hair like my dad, but brown eyes like my mom. We all love playing board games together on Friday evenings, and we always order pizza. Our favourite game is Monopoly. Oh, I almost forgot…we’ve also got a pet cat, Snowball. She’s all white and has got a lot of fur. She likes sleeping on me.Write back soon. Please, tell me about your family too.Love, Jonathan1. Jonathan was born (народився) in London.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Приклад запитання: йти до школи
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: Nick lives in Dnipro city.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Writing. Prepare.
Приклад запитання: Що зайве?History – Science – Monday – Music
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: 5 Control writing I sem
Приклад запитання: Choose is /are:There ____ some carrots in the basket.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: Вибери правильний варіант відповіді- What do you usually have for breakfast?- ....... .
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Приклад запитання: What do you do _______ your free time?
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: Oscar is ...... son.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: It's a rainy and cold day. Let's________
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 14 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: 1.Mia is cooking...
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Prepare NUS Grade 5 Term 1 Reading
Приклад запитання: Read the text. Hi. My name is Manoils. I’m twelve years old and I’m from Greece. My dad is Greek, but my mum isn’t. She’s from India and her name is Adity. My mum is a doctor and my dad is a teacher.               I’ve got a brother and two sisters. My sisters are twins. They are ten years old. Their names are Ariadne and Padma. My brother is a very small baby. He can’t walk and he can’t talk, but he’s very funny. We love him very much.               We live in a small house in a big city. I haven’t got a big bedroom, but I like it. I’ve got a computer in my room and I like playing computer games with my friends. My sisters don’t like computer games. They like music. The can play the guitar and they’re very good. Are the sentence true or falseManoils is from Greece.
Приклад запитання: Read the text and for questions 1-12 choose the correct answer.About my familyDear Marta,I’m going to tell you about my family. I live with my little sister, mum, and dad. We live in London, although I grew up (виріс) in Lancaster, a beautiful city in the North of England.My dad’s name is Pierre. He’s from France, and he speaks English and French. When he was young, my mother went to France on a student exchange, and they met (зустрілися) there. A few years later, my dad moved (переїхав) to England and married (одружився)my mum. He works as a French teacher. He’s very tall –much taller than my mum– and athletic. He’s got short blonde hair and blue eyes.My mum’s name is Anna. She’s English. She’s quite short, and she’s got long curly brown hair and brown eyes. She works at a chemist’s (аптека) opposite our home. She can speak French too!My sister Julia is 18 years old, and she’s got the same color of hair and eyes as my father. She loves playing the piano and dancing. She’s very talented, and she would like to be a professional musician.I’ve got short blonde hair like my dad, but brown eyes like my mom. We all love playing board games together on Friday evenings, and we always order pizza. Our favourite game is Monopoly. Oh, I almost forgot…we’ve also got a pet cat, Snowball. She’s all white and has got a lot of fur. She likes sleeping on me.Write back soon. Please, tell me about your family too.Love, Jonathan1. Jonathan was born (народився) in London.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Speaking (term 1) Form 5
Приклад запитання: .-What is your name?
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Diagnostic test 3 Unit 5-6 (Prepare 5)
Приклад запитання: Choose the parts of the body.(Оберіть частини тіла)
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 13 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: Read the text.Hi. My name is Manoils. I’m twelve years old and I’m from Greece. My dad is Greek, but my mum isn’t. She’s from India and her name is Adity. My mum is a doctor and my dad is a teacher.               I’ve got a brother and two sisters. My sisters are twins. They are ten years old. Their names are Ariadne and Padma. My brother is a very small baby. He can’t walk and he can’t talk, but he’s very funny. We love him very much.               We live in a small house in a big city. I haven’t got a big bedroom, but I like it. I’ve got a computer in my room and I like playing computer games with my friends. My sisters don’t like computer games. They like music. The can play the guitar and they’re very good. Оберіть правильний варіант.1. Manolis is from...
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 13 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: Обери правда (true) чи неправда (false)Luka lives in Lviv.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 13 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: Read the text. Then match the gaps (1–5) in the text with the phrases (a–f). Write the numbers in the boxes. There is one extra phrase. (10 marks)a  wants to know ¨b  there’s a break¨c  never call back ¨d  live in other countries¨e  communicate with them ¨f   pay for it ¨ Me and my phoneSally writes about her mobile phoneI have a laptop, but I don’t use it much. It’s too heavy to carry around, and I hardly ever send emails. But my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when 1________ I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media, and I 2________ a lot. I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always 3________ where I am and what I’m doing! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents 4________.I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. Some of my online friends 5________, so I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Prepare 5. Unit 7-8
Приклад запитання: Our teachers _____________ work in July.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Speaking Form 5
Приклад запитання: .-What is your name?
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Speaking
Приклад запитання: Hi! I'm Kate! What's your name?
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: speaking
Приклад запитання: Kim: What day is it today?Jane: It’s 1 ... . Why?Kim: Wednesday? Great. I love Wednesdays.Jane: Really?Kim: Yes, I do. We always have cabbage rolls for  … on Wednesdays. I think it’s my … dish.Jane: What – cabbage rolls?Kim: Yes, these are … filled with pork, vegetables and … . You can eat them with tomato sauce or … … . What’s your favourite?Jane: Fish and chips.                   Kim: My mum often does fish and chips on Sunday night.Jane: I’ll ask my mum to … cabbage rolls one day.Kim: They are really … . You’ll love them. I’ll bring you a … .Jane: Thank you.Kim: What's your favourite drink?Jane: My favourite drink is ... .1
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 13 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: Look at the table and try to match to make phrases:in honour +_?__
Приклад запитання: COMPLETE THE MISSING MONTHS AND SEASONSSpring---------April--------
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Prepare 1 Writing
Приклад запитання: Choose uncountable nouns (незлічувальні)
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 13 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: Look and tick. Whom was text about?Обери про кого розповідалося в тексті.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Semester I. Writing
Приклад запитання: My friend Bill _________ a very good student.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 13 грудня 2022
Приклад запитання: Share a little/ a lot of personal information.
Приклад запитання: Complete with the correct form of there is / there are.A: __ three bedrooms in my house.B: Upstairs or downstairs?