Онлайн-тести з англійської мови 6 клас


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Створити тест
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 22 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: What is the symbol of England?
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 22 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: In this subject we use numbers and calculations.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Speaking 6 form
Приклад запитання: Do you play any sports?
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Present Simple vs Countinious
Приклад запитання: In the evening I usually ___________ my homework.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Present Simple (+,-,?)
Приклад запитання: We... to school at eight o'clock.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 21 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: The Historic City of Chester Chester is a small historic city in the North West of England. It is very near North Wales, which you can see from the city walls. It has a river, four main streets, a famous clock and many shops and buildings. Most of the shops aren’t very old, but tourists think they are because they look like buildings from six hundred years ago. Chester also has historic buildings like the Roman Amphitheatre, which is over two thousand years old and is one of the largest in England and a castle, which was built in 1070. In the middle of the city there is a cathedral – some of it is one thousand years old. Opposite the cathedral is the market, where you can buy local meat, fruit, vegetables and cheeses. The Town Hall is next to the market and this is where walking tours around the city start. You can take a one-hour bus tour, and get off and on when you want during the day. There are even tours at night. Everyone who goes to Chester visits the clock on the bridge over Eastgate Street. It was built in 1897 and people say the clock is as good as London’s Big Ben. You can’t see North Wales or go shopping on the bridge, but you can take photos of the busy streets below. There’s lots for people of all ages and interests to do in Chester. Like many cities, it has a very interesting library with old books and photos. In the summer, there are races and water sports on a short part of the river. And if you like animals, Chester has got one of the biggest zoos in the UK. Chester is in North Wales.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: 6 клас ІI семестр Writing
Приклад запитання:  Вибери правильний  варіант:She …. now.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: On the move
Приклад запитання: People often travel by ... .
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 21 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: 1) Is ____ OK if I use your laptop?  
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 21 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: What is it?
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 21 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: Ramon has wanted to live in London since he was young.                                                     
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 21 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: Hannah’s bedroom walls are yellow.                                                                        
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: 6 клас ІI семестр Writing
Приклад запитання:  Вибери правильний  варіант:She …. now.
Приклад запитання: Complete the sentence with the most appropriate form :Tomas _______ his teeth every day.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 20 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: Choose the correct answer:We  ... Jack outside the cinema at 6 o’clock, so don’t be late!
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 20 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: The fastest way of travelling is travelling by … .
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 20 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: We are looking for teachers who can speak two languages equally well.We are looking for two_______________ teachers.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 20 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: The writer was afraid of the bearA surprise in the forestMy home is in the centre of a large city. The city centre is busy and noisy, and the traffic is terrible. So when our family goes on holiday, we usually travel somewhere relaxing. Last summer, we stayed in a hotel in the countryside. It was quiet there, but it wasn’t boring. I went cycling with my brother a few times. We explored the forest near the hotel, too.One morning, we were walking in the forest when we heard a noise. Something was climbing up a tree. It was a bear! It was quite close to us. “Is it dangerous?” I asked my brother. ”I’m not sure,” he answered. Soon the bear stopped climbing. I quickly took my mobile phone out of my bag. While the bear was sitting comfortably in the tree, I took a photo. Then we ran back to the hotel! We got back to the hotel safely, and I uploaded the photo to my web page. It was an interesting but scary experience. After that, we didn’t go back to the forest!
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 20 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: The fastest way of travelling is travelling by … .
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 19 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: The Dnipro is a famous ..... in Ukraine.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 19 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: It was a royal palace. It is a museum now. Black ravens live there.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 19 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: How __________ do you go snowboarding?
Приклад запитання: Піт
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Writing Test (II) Nesvit
Приклад запитання: Complete the sentences:We draw and paint pictures at ...
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 19 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: Tina is...
Приклад запитання: Put in the where necessary.They went to ____ Philippines on their holidays.
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Контроль письма 6 клас
Приклад запитання: Обери слово, щоб правильно доповнити речення.Could you buy a loaf of ..., please?
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 18 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: Where is Angel from?
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Speaking 6 form
Приклад запитання: Do you play any sports?
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 18 травня 2023
Приклад запитання: Peter gave money to the driver and _______ of the taxi.