Онлайн-тести з англійської мови 8 клас


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Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Focus 2 unit 2
Приклад запитання: Tim has invented a new program. It will change how people manage databases. What does he do?
Приклад запитання: Listen to the text. Choose the correct answer.What is Justin’s new hobby?
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Listening Comprehension 8th form 1st term
Приклад запитання: І. True or False?1. A very rich painter had a family.
Приклад запитання: Listen to the text. Choose the correct answer.What is Justin’s new hobby?
Приклад запитання: 1. Circle the correct answer.1) Where is Jake? He ... be out with his friends, but I’m not sure.
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Створено 12 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: 1. For more than 7,000 years people have been writing down their …
Приклад запитання: Визнач стан дієслова в реченні:The poem is learned by pupils.
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Створено 12 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: An education is ...
Приклад запитання: 1.Complete the answers with the correct past simple form of the verbs given.1 I ……………………… (like/watch) a new film on TV.2 ......... we………… ( go) anywhere?.3 I ……………………… (meet) James yesterday.4 We ……………………… (have) a party for my mum today.5 He ……………………… ( like/ go) in the car with my dad.
Приклад запитання: Listen to the text. Choose the correct answer.What is Justin’s new hobby?
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Schools in Britain
Приклад запитання: The boys go to a typical Ukrainian primary school.
Приклад запитання:    Sam is clever. He .......... know the answer.
Приклад запитання: Complete the sentence with the wordNobody likes ________ people because they often fight.
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Speaking 8/1
Приклад запитання: Match the questions with the answersWhere do you usually spend your summer?
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: What is your school like? + modal verbs
Приклад запитання: Translate the word into English: oсвіта
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Writing I semester
Приклад запитання: Where is Jake? He ... be out with his friends, but I’m not sure.
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Listening Comprehension 8th form 1st term
Приклад запитання: A compliment for a complimentІ. True or False?1. A very rich painter had a family.
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading Comprehension test
Приклад запитання: 1. Six people share their thoughts about books and magazines and share which one they prefer. Read them and choose the best answer (a, b or c) for each question.         Chris, Belgium I prefer magazines over books because I just cannot spend that much time reading a book. It takes just too much time, and a magazine, well you can read it on the toilet. You can read it on the train. You can read it in the car if you have to wait for somebody. It's much nicer. Time passes by and you don't have to invest that much time, like for example if you would have to read a whole book. 1) Why doesn’t Chris read books?
Приклад запитання: An education is ...
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Створено 11 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: What are the colors of the Ukrainian national flag?
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Створено 11 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: Plastic dropped from ships can seriously _______ the ocean.
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Створено 11 грудня 2023
Приклад запитання: What was the author's father's role in their lives?
Приклад запитання: 1. Circle the correct answer.1) Where is Jake? He ... be out with his friends, but I’m not sure.
Приклад запитання: ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ УВАЖНО ТЕКСТ.Після нього оберіть відповідь на перше запитання Entertainments.There is a plenty of entertainments in the world and people can choose them according to their tastes, mood or maybe opportunities. Entertainments include films, TV. books, concerts, cinemas, theatres, discos, travelling and different parties. Some families prefer to take their children to museums, art galleries or parks at the weekend. It's a nice way of spending free time together for the whole family. It is quite normal for British families to visit theme parks in summer. The amusements on offer at such parks include a range of rides in various ways, some of them can bathe you in the water. The really adventurous rides turn you upside down at great speed. It's very exciting for all visitors. And this must be how the British enjoy themselves most because last year the nine most famous theme parks attracted more than twenty million visitors. The British Museum is another place which attracts people in their free time. It is officially described as the National Library and Museum of History, Archaeology, Art and Ethnography. Here it is possible to find great collections, including exhibits from the Pacific islands (ancient Polynesian idols) and America (the Aztec sculptures).1)What are the entertainments in the text
Приклад запитання: Long, long ago there was a lake of cold water in Kenya. Many animals came at night to the lake to drink some water. But people never came to the lake at night: the animals could kill and eat them.Now, a rich man who had a beautiful daughter once said: „The young man, who will go to the lake in the evening and stay in the cold water till morning, will have my daughter for his wife.”There lived a poor young man who loved the rich man’s daughter very much. He said to his mother, „I shall try to stay all night in the lake and then marry my dear girl”.„No, no”, the mother said, „you are my only son!”. The water in the lake is very cold, and the animals will eat you up. Don’t go there!” She cried and cried, but her son said: „Mother, don’t cry, I must try. I love her so much!”So the young man went to the girl’s father. He told him that he wanted to go to the lake and stay in the cold water all night. The rich man sent his servants to the place where they could watch the young man.When night came, the young man went to the lake and his mother followed him, but he didn’t see her. There was a hill forty paces away from the place where the young man went into the water. The woman climbed up the hill and made up a fire there. The wild animals saw the fire and were afraid to go near that place.The young man saw the fire too. He understood that his mother was there. He thought of his mother’s love, and it was easier for him to stay all night in the very cold water.Morning came. The young man went to the rich man’s house. The rich man saw him and said, „My servants say that there was a fire on the hill forty paces from the lake. It warmed you and that is why you could stay all night in the water. So you can’t marry my daughter. Good-bye”.The  young  man  was   very   angry.  He went to the judge. “Well”,the judge said, „this is a very simple case”.The next morning the young man with his mother and the rich man with his servants came before the judge. There were many people there who wanted to hear the case.The judge asked for a pot of cold water. Then he walked forty paces from the pot and made a fire. „Now”, he said, „we shall wait a little until the water is warm”. The people cried: „But the fire is so far away, it can’t warm the water in the pot”. Then the judge said: „How could that young man warm himself at a fire forty paces away?”So the case was over, and the young man married the rich man’s daughter. They lived happily for many years. Task IRead the text and put “True” if the sentence is right and “False“if one is incorrect.1.There was a river of cold water in Kenya.
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading Comprehension test
Приклад запитання: 1. Six people share their thoughts about books and magazines and share which one they prefer. Read them and choose the best answer (a, b or c) for each question.         Chris, Belgium I prefer magazines over books because I just cannot spend that much time reading a book. It takes just too much time, and a magazine, well you can read it on the toilet. You can read it on the train. You can read it in the car if you have to wait for somebody. It's much nicer. Time passes by and you don't have to invest that much time, like for example if you would have to read a whole book. 1) Why doesn’t Chris read books?
Приклад запитання: Read the text and choose if the statement is true or false - Прочитайте текст та виберіть чи є твердження правдивими чи неправдивими відповідно до тексту. EntertainmentsThere is a plenty of entertainments in the world and people can choose them according to their tastes, mood or maybe opportunities. Entertainments include films, TV. books, concerts, cinemas, theatres, discos, travelling and different parties. Some families prefer to take their children to museums, art galleries or parks at the weekend. It's a nice way of spending free time together for the whole family. It is quite normal for British families to visit theme parks in summer. The amusements on offer at such parks include a range of rides in various ways, some of them can bathe you in the water. The really adventurous rides turn you upside down at great speed. It's very exciting for all visitors. And this must be how the British enjoy themselves most because last year the nine most famous theme parks attracted more than twenty million visitors. The British Museum is another place which attracts people in their free time. It is officially described as the National Library and Museum of History, Archaeology, Art and Ethnography. Here it is possible to find great collections, including exhibits from the Pacific islands (ancient Polynesian idols) and America (the Aztec sculptures). 1.   People have got a great variety of entertainments.
Приклад запитання: 1. Six people share their thoughts about books and magazines and share which one they prefer. Read them and choose the best answer (a, b or c) for each question.         Chris, Belgium I prefer magazines over books because I just cannot spend that much time reading a book. It takes just too much time, and a magazine, well you can read it on the toilet. You can read it on the train. You can read it in the car if you have to wait for somebody. It's much nicer. Time passes by and you don't have to invest that much time, like for example if you would have to read a whole book. 1) Why doesn’t Chris read books?
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading "The Devoted Friend"
Приклад запитання: Hans was ...
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Контроль письма 8 клас
Приклад запитання: 2. We … TV when it started to rain.