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Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: Read the review of Madagascar. Are the sentences true or false?1 The DVD is about Madagascar in the past and today________ David Attenborough's Madagascar This is a three-part programme about Madagascar, one of the world's oldest islands. David Attenborough first went to Madagascar 50 years ago and this DVD shows us how the country and the island's animals have changed. He shows some film from his many visits over the years. Some of the film is in black and white.Madagascar has mountains going from north to south and, because of the mountains, the island has a lot of different weather. The highest mountains are very high so plants and trees don't grow on them. On the east of the mountains there are forests and amazing rivers and there are interesting birds and animals. On the west of the mountains, the weather is very dry. It has very hot days and cold nights, and there are interesting plants, birds and animals here too. Madagascar is a really special island in the Indian Ocean, and David Attenborough tells us how many of the plants and animals changed over 60 million years. He also tells us how he filmed in difficult parts of the island. This is the best nature programme I have ever watched!
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Next Move 3 Unit 3
Приклад запитання: Jane said yesterday was_________  day of her life.
Англійська мова, 10 клас
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: Read the text and choose the correct answers.Get the message?Your mobile phone vibrates in your pocket. ‘Need to see you,’ reads the screen. Nothing new, considering that texting is currently the most common form of long-distance communication. But how were messages conveyed in the past? One of the first methods was the smoke signal. This practice was used by Chinese soldiers guarding the Great Wall to warn of the enemy’s approach. The Greeks devised a whole alphabet of smoke signals for sending messages. But it was Native Americans who made the system mobile by carrying small bunches of dried grasses around with them. These could be lit quickly from any place at any time.Moving on to messages transmitted by sound, an early technique was the drum. Drums are still used today in the rainforests of Africa, Papua New Guinea and Central and South America for broadcasting news. The instrument is made from a hollow log and this is hit with a stick. On receiving the message, each village passes it on to the next, which means that news can travel at up to 150 km an hour. Another instrument traditionally used for long-distance communication is the alphorn. These four-metre long wooden horns were common in most mountainous regions of Europe and their deep rich sound could be heard over 6 km away. Farmers would use them to send messages across the valley as well as to call in their cows. Today, the alphorn is a form of entertainment, and Switzerland alone has around 4,000 players.In some parts of the world, humans are able to convey messages over long distances without using instruments. On La Gomera, one of the Canary Islands, people use Silbo, or the ‘whistling language’ to communicate across the valleys. The language involves the use of the tongue, lips and hands to make sounds, which can travel up to 5 km. To ensure its continuation, Silbo is currently a compulsory subject in primary and secondary schools on the island.A look at long-distance communication would not be complete without mentioning the art of yodelling. This is a form of singing, in which the voice changes pitch very quickly, making it easily heard over long distances. It is believed that the technique was developed in the Swiss Alps, but it is also found in other places such as Central Africa. At one time, yodelling was popular in theatres and music halls, but this is no longer so.     1    What was most remarkable about the Greeks’ system of smoke signals?
Англійська мова, 9 клас
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive Voice using the correct grammar tense.Children ... (always to give) presents at Christmas.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Приклад запитання: Listen again and choose a or b.1. Louise spent the first day
Англійська мова, 8 клас
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання:  Read the text. Choose the correct answers. On top of the worldIn January 2015, Kevin Jorgeson and Tommy Caldwell climbed to the top of the Dawn Wall of El Capitan – a famous mountain in Yosemite National Park, USA. This is often described as the world’s most difficult rock climb. It took Jorgeson and Caldwell eighteen days to climb the 900 metres to the top! During this time, they hung tents off the rock, and ate and slept in them. The Dawn Wall is so difficult because there is nothing big for climbers to hold onto. Jorgeson and Caldwell had to climb by holding tiny pieces of rocks with the ends of their fingers. They used ropes to protect themselves from falling, but not to help them climb.Kevin Jorgeson nearly didn't finish the climb. He found one part of the Dawn Wall extremely difficult. It took him seven days to do this part, and he fell eleven times. His fingers were damaged too, so he had to wait for them to get better before he could continue. But in the end, both men finished the climb together. It was an amazing achievement.Only two weeks later, an ice climber called Will Gadd became the first person to climb a frozen part of the Niagara Falls. These falls, on the Niagara River between America and Canada, are the biggest waterfalls in North America. They are made of three separate waterfalls, and Gadd climbed the Horseshoe Falls, on the Canadian side. In winter, a part of these 50.9 metre falls freezes, and Gadd wanted to climb up the ice. But it was an extremely difficult climb. The ice was very thick in some places, but not in other places. And because only a part of the waterfall was frozen, a lot of water fell past Gadd as he climbed. Gadd knew that if he fell, he would probably die − but he got to the top.But why do people want to do dangerous climbs like these? 'Dangerous situations are very exciting,' says climber Terrence Jones. 'They make you feel alive.' Humans have always looked for challenges, but many of the old challenges – like climbing Mount Everest – aren’t exciting enough for some climbers because so many people have already done them. ‘Climbers like Caldwell and Gadd want to achieve more than anyone else,’ says Jones, ‘so that the world will read about them in the papers and see them on TV.’One day people will complete all of the difficult climbs on Earth, so what will climbers do then? ‘I don’t know,’ says Jones. ‘But perhaps one day far in the future people won’t climb on Earth. There are still mountains to climb on Mars!’ This may never happen, of course, but one thing is certain: the search for adventure will not stop.     1    What is TRUE about the climb of the Dawn Wall?               
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: The UK (United Kingdom) has four countries in it
Англійська мова, 4 клас
Копія з тесту: to be going to
Приклад запитання: I ... visit my parents tomorrow.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: William Shakespeare was born in the 16th century.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants. We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. The traffic is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum. It is my favourite place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares, watch monuments or take photos.  1.  Mark the sentences True or False.Peter has visited all places of interest in his city.
Приклад запитання: Вибери рядок, в якому всі іменники злічувальні
Приклад запитання: Choose true or false for: ( оберіть правда чи не правда для:)St Pauls Cathedral is one of the famous places of London
Англійська мова
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: an ____friendly look
Приклад запитання: I'd like to see London famous ... .
Англійська мова, 11 клас
Копія з тесту: phrasal verbs break
Приклад запитання: Our car broke .... on the way to the airport.
Приклад запитання: Reading.I. Read the text. Прочитай текст.The city where I live My name is Clark, and I will tell you about my city. I live in an apartment. In my city, there is a post office where people mail letters. On Monday, I go to work. I work at the post office. Everyone shops for food at the grocery store. They also eat at restaurant. The restaurant serves pizzas and ice cream. My friends and I go to the park. We like to play soccer in the park. On Fridays, we go to the cinema to see a movie. Children don't go to school on the weekend. Each day, people go to the hospital when they are sick. The doctors and nurses take care of them. The police keep everyone safe. I am happy to live in my city.Did you understand the text? Choose one option. Обери правильну відповідь.1) Where does Clark work?
Англійська мова, 11 клас
Копія з тесту: Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses
Приклад запитання: He gave me the letter, ... was in a blue envelope. 
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: Thanksgiving ... (celebrate) in November. (Present Simple Passive)
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Prepare 6 Unit 15 Vocabulary
Приклад запитання: I really love going to the beach when it's _______ and I can swim.
Приклад запитання: John smokes a lot, _______.
Приклад запитання: What is it?
Англійська мова, 2 клас
Копія з тесту: Test. Unit 8. Seasons and clothes
Приклад запитання: Winter
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: Madagascar is a really special island in the Atlantic Ocean.
Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Was/ were
Приклад запитання: The cat ... on the tree yesterday.
Англійська мова
Створено 6 травня
Приклад запитання: action of breathing out or expelling air from the lungs
Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Prepare 6. Unit 19
Приклад запитання: I loved visiting the ______ and seeing all the fish and other sea creatures.
Англійська мова, 9 клас
Копія з тесту: 9. Lviv Reading p.226-233
Приклад запитання: Lviv is ...
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Who/Which
Приклад запитання: 1. I know a girl ... likes apples with sugar.
Приклад запитання: Prince Danylo of Halych built ...