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Приклад запитання: Який з виразів є одночленом?
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: II Term_ Reading Comprehension
Приклад запитання: The Andriyivsky Descent  Andriyivsky Descent, popularly known as the Montmartre of Kyiv, is one of the most ancient streets in the Ukrainian capital. It charms with its legendary history, beautiful colors, and unique architectural ensemble. Because of its atmosphere, it successfully competes in popularity with Kyiv’s main street - Khreshchatyk.Andriyivsky Descent appeared in the times of the Kyivan Rus. Back then, it connected the upper and the lower part of the town (Podol) and was so narrow, that only pedestrians and those on horseback were able to go down it. Only in the 18th century was the street widened, enabling carriages and loaded carts to pass through it. The descent got its current name after St. Andrew's Church was built at the top.In the 19th-20th centuries, mainly artists, sculptors, musicians, and writers lived here. It was at that time that the street’s distinct atmosphere and its original look were created. Almost each building here is an architectural monumentOne of the remarkable building on Andriyivsky Descent is the two-story house №13, where Mikhail Bulgakov lived and worked. Today, the house is a museum with an interesting exhibition, which is focused on the writer’s stay in Kyiv. Recently, a monument to Bulgakov was erected near the house.If you want to find out more about the amazing history of the Andriyivsky Descent and its buildings and owners, you should check out the One Street Museum.Today, as many years ago, a bohemian atmosphere reigns here. The numerous artistic salons, galleries, and art-cafes on the street reinforce this aura. Kyiv’s Montmartre is always full of artists and craftsmen selling pictures, decorations, glass and ceramic objects, as well as souvenirs.Question 1. Andriyivsky Descent, popularly known as the Montmartre of Kyiv, is one of the most modern streets in the Ukrainian capital. 
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Приклад запитання: Яка з точок на малюнку належить як прямій а, так і прямій b?
Іспанська мова, 7 клас
Створено 2 травня
Приклад запитання: − ¿En qué monumentos de arquitectura es rica la ciudad de Cherníguiv?
Географія, 7 клас
Створено 2 травня
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Приклад запитання: 1. Розв'яжіть систему лінійних рівнянь методом додавання
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: 7 клас Cinema. Theatre.
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Французька мова, 7 клас
Створено 2 травня
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